

I dog-sat for my sister so I was sort of home bound. Enertainment-wise, I watched Castlevania on Netflix. Good, not great. Very short. Looking forward to the next, expanded, season. Played a lot of Dark Souls. I downloaded it years ago and could never get into it due to the steep learning curve. But I tried it again

Donald Trump, famous for stiffing working people for their labor, going bankrupt in the casino
business, and being a fake boss on TV whose catchphrase is literally
YOU'RE FIRED—he's looking out for the little guy, he's gonna be the jobs

I get the tactical reason for it. It just seems like selling off one of the tenants of the Democratic party (and left leaning politics in general) just to get elected. At a certain point these people will be asked to act upon the views they espoused while running. What will they do then?

Well, not with that attitude you're not.

Eh, I see the "pro-life" switch being a slippery slope. I am a strong believer in abortion rights and don't like to see them infringed upon. That, and those people who are pushing the pro-life agenda want other things. Like prayer in school and religious tests for immigration. Creeping theocracy, basically.

Have a Snickers, Count.

No. But they know how to win elections. Something the Dems have never figured out. The Republicans are the party of Opposition. Exclusively. The Democrats are the party enough people turn to when they realize opposition doesn't work as a governing principle. The Democrats need to actually develop a genuine platform

OK, you added quite a bit after the fact here. Sorry I missed it at first.

As someone living that rural, Midwestern life right now I come to you with hopeful tidings. What you describes seems to be (largely) a generational thing. The people I interact with who are my age (31) and younger seem capable of seeing the bullshit when it's there. Many of the older people I deal with… not so much.

The House is the transition point between national and state elections. And since the Dems don't seem to know shit about winning at the state level, things in the House are only slightly better.

Calling the post "conservative" might be a bit of an understatement. Even their movie reviewer is an unabashed, right-wing douche.

It'd take a Green, Mile-long stretch of cash to get this project off the ground.

I really like Chicagonaut, though. Somebody start a petition!

I'm not comfortable with the idea of sending solicited dick pics. I can't imagine the kind of arrogance it takes to just assume somebody wants to see your wang unasked for like that.

I think that would be for the best…

Yeah, I'm not getting this either/or thing here. It's reasonable to think that men and women have a natural tendency towards different things. It would also make sense that, as a society became more affluent, those tendencies might manifest as gender gaps in certain fields when there is an ability to chose ones

Even when he's holding a cat you can't help but feel your hand curl into a fist and your shoulder start tensing up. "Sorry, Mr. Bigglesworth. I'm not aiming for you."

I'll take 'em. If I get the cash, too.

I am also 31. My hairline started slipping backwards around 20. In the last 6 years though, it's been in full retreat (going through a divorce didn't help anything). But other than that, I'd say I look better than I ever have previously. I started going to the gym in January with the intention of losing my paunch and