
The meathead guy is exactly the kind of person I would laugh at. Potential beatings be damned. I just can't imagine hearing somebody say they're an "alpha" and not pointing and laughing. It's such a pathetic worldview to have.

I can never quite grasp why anyone gives a shit. I had a co-worker once who was second generation Italian. He started quizzing me on my heritage one day and I told him I didn't really know or care.

I've not read that book. But knowing King I feel confident saying yes.

I like the "ending ending". I was more pissed off a the "first ending". The resolution with the main antagonist is the epitome of anti-climactic.

I've never met anyone who talked about the alpha/beta thing in person. I think I'd have a hard time not laughing hysterically at them.

My dad is (as far as I know) a pretty hard-right person. He's a truck driver, listens to Limbaugh, really liked G.W. That whole thing. My sister recently came out as bi and started her first same-sex relationship. I don't talk to our dad anymore (different, longer story), but from what I've heard he's been mostly OK

Seemed to work OK. Take a couple big drinks out of the bottle of Orbitz, top it off with whatever was handy (usually flavored vodka), drink steadily. I was rarely on a mission to get super sloppy.

It builds a little as the song goes on. Someone mentioned Beck's "Loser" upthread and that song is monotone AF the whole way through. I have the same reaction to it as you do to "Pepper".

See, at this point I can't take "Loser" anymore but still enjoy "Pepper".

Yeah, but that's what Sriracha is for. Ranch is just… gross.

They were a popular mixer when I was in high school. I remember sitting drunk in a friend's basement, constantly swirling the bottle to watch the little globules whirl around. Ah, the good old days…

It's like the buzz from fluorescent lighting. Only stupid.

The ending didn't bother me nearly as much the second time around. The film is so great at being a tense thriller/action movie that it's not until it's over that you realize that's not what it is and not what it's trying to be. And knowing that going in really helps appreciate the ending better.

It's weird to think of the pacing of this movie as "patient" when the tone is so intense. But I guess that's about as accurate of a description you can give it.

I think I read something similar somewhere. Something about the size and weight of a boxing glove causing more brain trauma. Whereas lighter MMA gloves cause more epidermal damage but impart less shock.


Watch out for Lou and his baboon.

Wasn't being accusatory. But living in a rural area of the Midwest means that I have to hear people excuse away a lot of really abhorrent world-views by stating the person who holds them is "really nice".

Nice =/= Good.

We covered the conflict in Nauvoo briefly when I was in junior high. I'd say it's just because I grew up in Illinois, but it was in the text book. So it's not like it's something the teacher just randomly decided to cover.