
It's 1,006. Kick his ass, Napa.

The original film popped up on Netflix awhile ago. I've had a vague urge to revisit the movie. I know it's terrible (it was only passable when I saw it at the age of 12). But I don't know it's terrible. Maybe good with/for some beers and a good chuckle sometime this weekend…

And as the looping, ghostly guitar hook of “Falling Away From Me”
suddenly rang out across the stadium, I’m finally 15 again, cruising
around my Michigan hometown in an $800 junker, sure that I’ll never hear
a song I like more.

From my understanding that's all he ever does. I had friends in high school who wen to multiple Tool shows and every one was the same thing. Maynard standing still, facing away from the audience the whole time.

We had Rocky Horror on VHS at home. I don't' remember when I saw it the first time. It's one of those things that's always just been around for me. Yeah, I didn't get most of the context until much later. But, to be fair, I didn't realize the "booby trap" gag from Rodger Rabbit until I was about twenty. It was just a

On re-watches of TDK, I always sit enraptured for the first 2/3.

I would watch that.

I don't think she was old. Just very large. But Roland still found her alluring in some way.

You are correct. A coworker of mine has a Winchester lever-action rifle that I've fired a few time (cowboy gun). After running a few rounds through it, you have to be careful about keeping your fingers on the grip at the front. That barrel gets HOT. I can only imagine how scalding the cylinder in a giant revolver

King is usually a fast read. Even if the books are long it's not like you have to unpack a lot from the writing.

Sorry, I worded that poorly. The fourth book is a break from the main narrative. Basically, they all stop and the main character tells a story about when he was young. It's still tied to the main story line (though I can't remember exactly how), it just doesn't advance the main plot at all. Books 5-7 are all direct

That's what that one Pearl Jam video lead me to believe.

My uncle fainted once and fell straight backwards onto a concrete floor. That was almost twenty years ago. He still has partial paralysis on half his face and says he can't taste much.

It doesn't end well. But the first three books make it worth it, IMHO. The fourth is also a great story. But if you start it thinking it will be a continuation of the main narrative, you will be disappointed. The companion book "The Wind Through the Keyhole" is also excellent.

I don't mean to be a killjoy but exactly how many more times do we have to uncover damning evidence only to have it be ignored by people in a position to do something about it before we stop thinking he's actually going to be brought down by anything?

You joke but my boss will use this EXACT line of reasoning some time in the near future and be 100% sincere about.

Not a Bokononist I take it?

You haven't found the right thing yet. Every time I roll my motorcycle out of the garage it's, "I paid a lot of money for this thing that might kill me." Then it goes VROOOM and I go WHEEE!! and everything is OK for awhile.

My ex is named after a season. I know your pain.

Regarding her costume: I love that when she took her hat off her hair was styled in the exact same shape. It's such a throwaway, little thing. But it's hilarious.