She has the most incredible hands. Dancers don’t always have hands that are works of art like the rest of their bodies but man, hers are amazing - her fingers look like those of a thirty year old.
She has the most incredible hands. Dancers don’t always have hands that are works of art like the rest of their bodies but man, hers are amazing - her fingers look like those of a thirty year old.
I do this too. Because I have very specific, weird playlist tastes for my 3+ hour commute, and Pandora doesn’t know my feelings.
Holy Fuck you're right. Maybe he was running towards a loaded cannon. Better put 8 rounds in him just be sure.
Fuck you, fuck your brother and fuck anyone else who keeps repeating this shit about how "the cop feared for his life."
it's impossible to understate how poorly this stuff reflects on the US to outsiders. a while ago I had someone from Kenya ask me about all the cop shootings going on back home, saying how horrible it is. you know things are bad when someone from Kenya shows you sympathy for shit happening in your home country.
Yeeeeah in the last 8 months 3 random, obnoxious spurned men assaulted 3 different women badly enough to draw national attention. People like the asshole in the article & especially the MRA's who defend him make me ashamed of my gender. The ignorance, pettiness, and entitlement of these small dicked man-children is…
Bachelorette parties will forever have a special place in my heart. The first time I ever went to a real club (alone and with a male friend), this guy kept creeping over and grinding on me, uninvited. I wasn't yet the elbow-throwing feminist menace I am today, so I didn't know what to do other than sort of awkwardly…
More importantly, what were the women in the bachelorette party wearing that would have egged on this behavior?
"I don't understand why women just don't TELL men they aren't interested."
Skinny girls eat pizza. Fat girls eat pizza. Everyone eats pizza! Morons.
The other thing is that she put herself out there to sing, which she is still doing extremely well, not to be a sex object. So like even if that argument is valid at all (it’s not) it still makes no sense here.
Just more evidence that women don't have to fear retaliation for rejecting a man. OH WAIT?!?! Is this the kind of reaction women are afraid of? Still won't shut down the MRA's
From the day I was born until the day she died my grandmother was 100% my best friend. She was and is my role model. It's not like I obsess tabout getting old I just accept it. She said I kept her feeling young and I told her that she made me feel like getting old wasn't at all the worst thing that could happen to me.
So now we ask you: has ever a woman deserved a Lifetime biopic more than Debbie??
That autopsy report is public. So are all or most autopsy reports, if I'm not mistaken. The same goes for 911 calls. All the paper did was describe the contents of a report that is in the public domain. I understand her family being upset but at the same time, I don't really have an issue with what the paper did. And…
Why, in my 60's, am I suddenly a senior citizen? Hopefully, the advantage of reduced movie ticket prices is worth…
I'm looking at the part where they're boasting about how many calories are in raisons! "1560 calories of energising nutriment per pound!". How things have changed.
Mom was not coherent, but we told her that dad had passed away and that he was waiting for her.
It always makes me a little sad when an old person gets to the point of giving up on pets. I understand the logic, and she's right that breaking a leg tripping on a corgi would be bad, but ... sad.