And just yesterday this happened here:…
A U-turn in front of a disaster. Why, why, why do drivers make these decisions...
We have it so we can buy low-quality, cheap fireworks and annoy the shit out of our neighbours for weeks on end afterwards...
Dammit. This picture just did me in. I'm so angry, I feel sick. That motherfucking monster - I hope he goes to hell and suffers thousands of dog bites, for eternity.
Understatement, and stating the obvious - that's not remotely consistent with the interview transcript details that's been released. What the fuck has happened here? Not an American, but married to one - I'm so sad about this. I hope the justified message doesn't get lost under the umbrella of rioting and looting..
Yeah, me either. There's no words for how abhorrent this is...our entire justice system is fucked.
I'd say at its most simplistic it's about personal empowerment - taking the power away from her rapist. Trust me - the image of an abuser is permanently embedded and it takes a lot to face them down and forgive him or her. By speaking out the words, I imagine it makes it more powerful and real.
I hear you - I was abused by my (very) ex-partner in my early 20's (sexually, physically, verbally, emotionally). I have a kernel of hate for that man so bitter and deep nothing can lodge it; still have nightmares about him. I wouldn't begin to know how to forgive - because it's an action I think, more than just a…
I don't mind little changes usually from medium to medium. However - none too happy with Dougal turning on the creep during this episode. It doesn't happen till much later, and it's purely manipulative when he does in the book. This 'singular woman' bullshit nullifies his suspicious-yet-protective air he has shown…
It's all about self-esteem and needing to be its very simplest. It's quite a complex mindset and incredibly hard to break.
I tried to grow swan plants (I think 'milkweed' in the Northern Hemisphere) on my deck in pots so I could watch monarch butterflies grow. Shitting wasps came along and ate my caterpillars. I nearly cried - there was something so vicious about how the wasps just tore the little crawlers apart and they had no way to…
That first part is staged - someone put the bunny, and her, and she was like 'wait...what? That's one of my bubbies...what.../grab'. So she's following it around, and looking mildly offended, because her baby isn't in the 'proper place'. Momma cats are very 'just so' when it comes to kitten-positioning...
OH definitely. That's definitely it. /eyeroll.
Exactly. Childfree and happy about it for SO many reasons. Not everyone needs a child, they really don't. The world is crazy-populated. This is my story, said above:
'When I was in my twenties, I was never sure about having children. Oh, you'll get there, women would tell me knowingly, spilling details about the day…
...and when you're dead you can think to yourself 'oh that's okay that I'm dead, I have left 'something' alive behind me'.
Outdated, meaningless concept.
Yeah, they're not always so funny - well, perhaps in hindsight. I grew up beside a crazy west coast beach in NZ. (Think black sand, lots of driftwood, cliffs and huge boulders). My Mum sat on a huge, grey piece of driftwood one day...I was playing, went to the top of the log and realised it was hollow, with strands of…
Late as always but hey.
Definitely. All the cat experiences is threat and fear. Of course it's going to use its in built claw-weapons. Geez. What did they expect? A nice little bow, swept bowler hat and exit? It's a fucking scared cat. Our 'baby' cat is one we tamed - took two months before we could even touch her. She couldn't understand…