wpanik: now owns zero automatics

Its a bit chilly out today, but that doesnt stop a Fulmer! OH, AND ESPECIALLY WHEN IT COMES TO HERITAGE EQUIPMENT!!

Holy freaking crap...he went way further up that ramp than I was expecting.

If you’re looking for a really rowdy time, might I suggest the campground across the street? By the time the infield hits curfew, theyre just getting started over there...

As the owner of an Abarth, I would also add that its pretty freaking easy to get that engine to 200hp.

Well the honest, short, and annoying answer is that free public parking of any kind is an enormous loss for a city. Im not super knowledgable beyond that, and dont really want to try to build more of a case either way.

This is good Jalopnik.

I understand that this is a very extreme car, but the fact that these are over $100k makes a strong case for why anyone can order a $55k MX-5 Cup car.

From henceforth, I decree that you shall be know as HiramJahoovafat(Sherman)Jr.

Birmingham is such an interesting juxtaposition to basically any city in the state south of it. It’s such an interesting outpost.

That sounds awesome! I was just there last summer but didnt know about that.

I believe it! The only reason we had a car in DC was because we drove there haha.

Youd think so right?? And yes, I do think the younger generation (me included) is more open to public transit. If nothing else, it makes trips to places so much easier. My wife and I went to DC a year and a half ago. Parked our car when we got there and didn’t move it until we left. Walked, biked, and took the subway

Thats the part that I don’t necessarily plan to take a side on. I wasnt there, I dont know why what was done, was done. But Im alive now, and I can clearly see the effects it had.

I agree with you, but freaking lol at the thought of someone from Over the Mountain taking public transit somewhere like one of the poors haha.

Thats what I would think is the biggest issue, how long it will take to complete these projects. But they have to start sometime!

Not familiar with that stretch so Im not making a statement about that particular stretch of road. But again, the idea isnt to get rid of the road completely, just route it so its not dividing a city.

Yes, a road you can walk under. I thought it was silly too, but the facts are there. You can physically see it in these areas. I agree that it doesnt make sense, but you can go to these places and see it with your own eyes. This is a thing that happens. Period.

Yes. And as someone who now lives in Greenville, SC and frequently returns home to AL, I would love to see an outer loop built in Atl...

I disagree. I think* that Aaron is falling in line with the report and suggesting that highways through cities be torn down so that we can still get where we’re going by driving around cities.

That’s why you need the comment heros like me to set them straight down here.