
Its almost like it hurts everybody, or something.......

So well written. This reminded me a lot of my childhood and life - the knowing that I wasn’t really a man because men can’t be raped. The shame and depression. For me it was years long sexual abuse from my step father and there are multiple times in my life where the fallout from those years nearly destroyed my life

A close guy friend of mine explained to me that men are usually the last to know that their relationships are ending. Men in relationships tend to tune out their partners because guys figure women complain about everything anyway and most of that unhappiness gets worked out. So by the time the relationship is done,

They have it is called vagina dentata.

You just ruined the placebo effect! I ain’t tellin about this article to my wife, no ma’am. I just moved a massive bag of heavy salts from the old house for her.

In fact, being strong is one of the reasons women stay far too long before they recognize what they’re experiencing as abuse. You think you can’t be in an abusive relationship, because you’re too strong to have allowed it has to be something else.

Perhaps. I suppose I shall simply give up commenting, then. Watching burner trolls become verified commenters to spew bile while I sit in the greys for literally years is no longer as amusing as it was.

It always bothered me that they tried these two girls as adults.

TMZ reports Monday that Tyga may get arrested for failing to pay Riekena’s settlement, as a bench warrant was put out for him “after he failed to show up to a court hearing.”

In the criminal justice system, animal based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these furry felonies are members of an elite pack known as the Animal Victims Unit.


Thank you! I’m the letter writer.

imax could learn a thing or two from a world-class projector like that...

My daily routine involves listening to the prior night’s MSNBC lineup. Once your lunatic president sent his “my dick is bigger” tweet,that pretty much devoured the news cycle.

Rest in peace, Queen. She is gone but will never be forgotten. Unfortunately, there was not much peace to be found for Erica Garner in this world. She turned a horrible situation into a chance to help others and speak out about problems Black people in this country have been facing since the first slave ships arrived

I call myself that. It’s a funny word and I like saying it. Also it sounds a bit better than wino.

Mueller should change his name to Robert Transgender Fetus Climate Change and really put Trump in a Catch-22.

“Mary is lying, and we all know it. I saw her just the other day. Lovely woman. Fantastic woman. And she was all happy and special. Did she say anything about being raped? Nope. She acted fine. Plus there were no witnesses! She’s a lovely woman, but she’s very confused.”— Donald Trump

My Life As a Bonerkiller

I wasn’t planning to poke his boner. But as I sat beside my boyfriend, watching Blood Simple, I could feel what was