
honestly, there is something liberating about reveling in your wrongness. if you fuck up, it happens to literally everyone, so you just deal with it as it happens. something that was drilled into me in CBT was the notion that i am not a prophet; my anxiety convinces me that i know exactly what’s going to happen (and

So walk back the 12 steps and then 1 more?

Frogs are also good in salads.

Had a maaaajor fight with my husband this week. This happens every once in a while, I think because we aren’t around each other all the time. Stuff builds up. During the course of the argument it suddenly dawned on me that he’s depressed and I was too wrapped up in my own garbage to notice. Then I felt like shitty

Oh, Bobby, you do sparkle. (You Brut)

Looking forward to Tina Fey saying “Hillary, you did it, c*nt!” next year!

What’s the “J.E.” for?


The wonky-ass metaphors in this piece are going to sustain my black, goo-filled heart for at least the rest of my work day, if not across the temporal board.

Whenever I hear of yet another celeb taking dirty money from dictators/their brats, I secretly hope that it was coordinated with the CIA and we at least got some intel out of it. Would certainly make for a great movie in 40-50 years (Million Dollar Spy: The Hillary Swank Story; Fly on the Wall Girl: When JLo Brought

And for me to get so upset here, on the Today show, with you guys, means there’s something there.

And Samantha Bee is making a strong showing too. I think she is also hitting hard but could hit harder with more jokes getting at the substance of things.

But without the unnecessary words, how will I reach my professor’s word count requirement?

you’ll have to grind it up into a powder

My ‘spiritual’ friend dumped me when I got chronically ill. Because it says so in The Secret, you shouldn’t consort with sick people because it will attract more sickness. Some spiritual people are sick in the head. Namaste cuntface!

Before I even read this article, bravo on this headline. Just bravo.

I for one would be absolutely fucked if men gave up their illusions about women. It’s all I got over them.