
Oh god this thread is bringing up all sorts of memories. One of my siblings was incontinent until they were 10 or 11. So I saw a lot of ‘making poopy face’. As a consequence, until my late twenties, the first thing I did whenever I met someone was imagine what they looked like when they were pooping. Memories! Crap

Re the psychology of it all, is it true that police & or military peeps are asked how many times they poop in a week? Because regulars are normal and not deviant or something something?

This just makes me cranky though. Do you have a good credit rating? Do you have a decent deposit? Go forth and buy your own fucking home. Boom done.

Ugh. This is a thing? Ffs

OMG crying

Ok! Thanks! A lot to research.

I’d love some advice about a beauty subscription for my teenage daughter. Best bang for bucks? For herself, she’s very light skinned, tons of freckles. She does an impeccable job on herself and now her friends are wanting her to help them. I’m thinking of gifting her this because she’s so into it. Help?

Me too. I was on the couch reading when the news broke in. So haunting to see your own birth year flashed on the screen. Also, at that time I had a sort of similar hairdo and yeah, side profile. While no one had ever commented on our shared looks before, I suddenly found myself in restaurants with people staring and

pfft all these nay-sayers. I have one huge wall that is burnt orange and is glorious. You don’t have to match the orange in your painting. If you are thinking orange just look at the colour charts and pick one you really like. Light is amazing, it’ll pull out the tones.

Full (don’t) stop

Totally get it xo

Yeah, that is a big concern

This: “It moreover proffers the fantasy of, as it were, attending one’s own funeral à la Tom Sawyer. Because Hannah acts as narrator, she feels present to us; thus, it’s easy to forget that she doesn’t actually witness the fallout of her suicide.”

sending love

Giggles are good :)

I want an exception here too! I’ve raised all my kids with the correct anatomical terms but my littlest one had heard the ‘vajayjay’ term somewhere (?) 12 ish? So we were parked in a park one day, just goofing off before her karate lesson, when she said vajayjay, in a purely blunt, no context sort of way. All I could

This is mass gas lighting

She’s holding her stomach! Must be #3 on the way!!

In the same way I get a little nervous when older folks break a hip - Oh no! it’s a count down to death - so many times when couples in my circle splurge on something new, out of the blue, it is countdown time. It makes a certain amount of sense, last gasp before the cough takes over, sort of thing.

I’m an atheist, and I used to be terrified of death. I’m still xanex-bound if I have to be put out for surgery - it scares the crap out of me, I’m all, ‘I’m DYING RIGHT NOW...” Doc’s all, “Tachacardic, put her down!” However, I’ve also had some near death experiences that did not involve the surgical suite and