Worthy Radish

Neat. I like Oswald.

Henceforth, Frank Reynolds will be recognized as St. Francis of Apeepee.

Celebrities, they’re just like us!

Waldo Jeffers had reached his limit.

Cruise ‘too small’ for more Reacher rounds.

Harvey Fierstein

Wouldn’t it make more sense to just empty the pod straight into your mouth?

I’m throwing up in my mouth just imagining a Bloody Mary pod. 

“He was great in that ridiculous role, but maybe the studio had some understandable reservations about casting a guy in its big movie who was just great in a ridiculous role.”

Now playing

I’m not, really. Like I said, I know Millennials have it rough, just as we do/did. I just...I think it’s more the complaining about being shit on that gets to me. Every generation gets shit on by the one before it. It’s the price a young generation pays for having the entire consumer market keyed in on satisfying its

*High 5*. Remember when Gen X was told that we were “the first generation whose income would not exceed our parents”?

Taking offense at being a millennial is the most millennial thing you can do!

The script was confusing because you couldn’t tell if Lady Gaga was his wife or his sister.

Considering Monopoly was first created as a tool to show the dangers of income inequality and wealth concentration, there might be no more fitting game for society’s current Gilded Age 2.0 woes than one born out of Gilded Age 1.0.

“It’s this new party fad moving through college campuses called ‘Everything Bagel.’ Kids fill a water bagel with dozens of expired pills and coat it with lox from Zabar’s.”

I just figured his mother bit his father’s head off after copulating and then died after laying her eggs.

Trump fired the intern for not pulling a Montana Rep Gianforte and grabbing Acosta by the neck and body slamming him. Which is a thing Gianforte did to a journalist, lied about, was convicted for, apologized for, and then was praised by Trump SPECIFICALLY FOR THE ASSAULT in front of a rally crowd that laughed and