Worthy Radish

One of the two Canadians.


She looks like a particularly grubby Victorian street urchin.

Gladiator 2: The Legend of Caesar’s Gold.

Dear Salty,

Both my wife and I work very hard and we think we deserve, nay, are entitled to blow off a lot of steam with a nice dinner out with our 14 month-old Instabook tenant.

Yet we get dirty looks (of jealousy?) wherever we go because we find it convenient to change our kid’s nappy at our table. (It’s the good

Appreciate the correction. I’m more of the Genus Tolkienus as far as my nerd taxonomic class. 

Mac: Hey bro, how’d you lose your hand?

That’s the book I’ve always wanted to write. We’ve already had Marvel Team-Up, now we need Marvel Hang-Out. They say every writer’s got one great Superman 0r Batman or Spidey story tucked away in their back pocket they hope to tell one day. I don’t, but if you need a six issue miniseries about Hawkeye getting his weed

True that. Siri never says a dirty word, but Alexa calls me a low down dirty motherfucker all the time. 

Stop. Paying. Attention. To. KANYE.

Cool, but I’m still going to be done with Kanye. There are plenty of people who make good songs and don’t flirt with fascists.

Just like god. Whose boy, Adam, went on to meet world, if I’m not mistaken.

I did, however tip my urologist because I’m unable to pulverize my own kidney stones.

Then don’t. 

You must go to shitty espresso bars.

I only watch things I’ve already heard of. Mostly M*A*S*H reruns. 

One could argue that public figures owe society to not be terrible, or at least try to make amends after they have been terrible. Otherwise people have a right to reject them. I specifically framed this as a standard that this specific fan holds - and I have a right to my standard. But if C.K. masturbated to

Those not-Chicago Uno restaurants bought the name and ‘concept’ of serving pizza, but were in no way similar or representative of Numero Uno or Due.  Completely different pizza, recipe, even down to sauce.  I had the unfortunate experience of eating in one of those not-Chicago Uno’s once, and only once.  It WAS trash