Worthy Radish

Maybe he could be a troll, who gargles beer and bangs the Snails?

Which one fights the Wookiee? I vote for that one.

That’s being saved for “Yahoo Answers: The Movie”

And if Oswald doesn’t test well enough with the consumer base, we can rastafy him by 10% or so.

Beautiful act of Human expression.

Well, if she does, I guarantee the inside of that suitcase is nicer then any where I've ever lived.

Tom’s ‘Jack’ Off, In Eyes of Author”

Though The Bloody Mary Pod” does sound like a metal as fuck band name.

I too miss good old fashioned non-partisan crazy. Genuine frontier gibberish.

I heard the original ending involves Lady Gagas character needing to leave town for an extended weekend so she just fills a large bowl with jellybeans and leaves them for Bradley Cooper in his normal feeding place. Tragedy strikes when an anxious Cooper proceeds to eat all the jellybeans at once, gets very sick and


Formosus’ body had washed up on the banks of the Tiber and was rumored to be performing miracles.”

Gladiator II: Barbarian Boogaloo 

To be fair to Apple, the album cover art is a picture of the late Gen Schwarzkopf making sweet love to 80's singer Rockwell. Maybe they just thought it was too much to have displayed on the big screen at a tech conference.

But you also said that about my rash and now it’s covering both my inner thighs.

What about the show where Rocket digs through my trash can and tears up my yard looking for grubs while Thor drinks large amounts of mead and loudly complains about his ex.

Wait, your saying I don’t need to unload clip after clip blindly into the dark when I’m startled?

Not sure about the original restaurant but the Pizzeria Uno chain locations around the Midwest in the 90's were butt. Just pure trash.

I hope some 90 yr old vet shot it down with his M1 rifle, spat on the ground, and mumbled: “Now it’s over”

Got to say it’s weird a studio would release some couples wedding tape and call it a feature film, but Hollywood is gonna Hollywood.