Worthy Radish

He only makes music for musicians and when he signed those record contracts he thought it was only being distributed to musicians. It's really left him jaded that non-musicals have heard his art.

Pope Pious XIII is the worlds biggest bottom burp

The ground floor caved into the basement a day ago. At this point the termites have become structurally load bearing.

I came for the Bluegrass Situation Superjam hosted by Ed Helms, but I might stay for the Youtoo's

Lets pray this resolves itself better then the ventriloquist feuds of the 1990's

That job is taken by half the American public

The fact that the state of Kentucky put glasses on a turtle and sent it to Washington proves they have the best sense of humor in the 50 states.

Does Steven Segal count as an actor or just a human marshmellow?

Paxtonism: Of the Paxton, by the Paxton, and for the Paxton

Good lord there will be no rationalizing with them once they go berserk

These fuckers start talking about what's at the center of the maze and I'm grabbing my bug out bag and heading for the hills

She just asked him about the weather and he tells her: "Bad, They all died in a fire". These bots have some dark corners in their heads

Lets put these two bastards on CBS, make some sex innuendo jokes and you have America's #1 new show

By fart it is!

You mean Adam Hitler, the vegetarian painter and lover of dogs from another timeline because it's now obvious this one is clearly the worse?

Tiny Hands be thy name

Wow, the BBC programming has really changed focus post-Brexit

He invented the barrow. It was Wheelie Kurimoto of Tokyo Japan who first thought to add the wheel.

Herman-Miller 2017 Line with pre-conditioned butt grooves. Only the best for my pavlovian sessions

Do your knees pop loudly every time you squat down?
Because mine do and I was hoping you would tell me that was normal