Worthy Radish

Does a calendar still count days if no one is around to care?

Do you have a bunker and is there room for one more?

I burned a shortened version called "Border Collie and the Finite Happiness" in college that fit on one CD and got to the point by cutting a number of songs.
I'm sure Billy Corgan would hate me…

Without looking it up I'm remembering those as: Porch, Rearview Mirror, and Courdoroy? Might be my favorites as well, good call!


An Orgasm?

If you heart Radio so much, why are you killing it?

I know, I'm always like "Damn, they don't even serve curly fries at that place, what did i just eat?"

Is it because you can't find the remote?

Why is there a picture of the Smashmouth cat cleaning itself at the top of the article? What does that have to do with anything?

Remember that episode where Jauque Pepin dipped his balls in the beef stock? County Health inspector says don't do that

Hot & Filthy!

I have "Michele Bachmann narrates a 100 year flood" on printed vinyl. Priceless Goodwill find right there

Thank God the Halloween store was out of Trump masks or we would have seen his thoughts

Trump arguing with Tom Arnold would be the sound of two assholes farting into each other…

Rabid Dingos do eat babies, but not fetuses, so I guess their as qualified as any for the GOP nomination

It's important to watch Season 1 once, for context. Then it kind of sits on the shelf as Season 2 becomes the start point for re-watchings. The way they change Leslie as well is so needed

Jean-Ralphio almost certainly died on his way back to his home planet

It might be a midwestern college town thing, at least thats the world I live in. I saw a subaru with a Ben Carson sticker last year and it was… odd.

I do and those errands are run in a Subaru. Probably gets me put on a list or something these days