
That’s what happens you coldplay instead of warming up properly.

In accordance with his cheese-heavy contract, Jimmy Butler renamed the American Airlines Arena “The Kitchen,” because if you can’t stand the Heat...

You people learned NOTHING from The Simpsons.

I remember being a teen and being stupid and impressionable. Part of me is just like, teens are always going to do dumb things.

He is a professor of epidemiology specifically doing research on nicotine addiction at Columbia. Epidemiologists are the people you go to in order to study what the general risks for things are. Individual medical doctors can discuss risks with patients, but the doctors are getting their information from

Half way up though; what with the shriveled up lungs and all. 

I checked all the porn this weekend, did not see him.

Are you completely certain that he doesn’t? I’m not completely certain that he doesn’t.

He’s got the porn name.

I was gonna suck my thumb, but I got high

I’ve often thought that being a toddler must be very similar to being drunk. All wobbly, bad decision making and occasional vomiting and incontinence.

Fox News Cinematic Universe

Spend a lifetime bangin’ hoores and you’re gonna catch the syphilis 

Is the $15 purchase covered by my Blue Cross PPO?

After this review, I might take a gander.

I am afraid that when a significant part of the population is so thick and ignorant about basic lung function, that they do not stop before inhaling vaporised oil droplets, the panic will continue.

Amazing that you don't see the irony in your comment.

You didn’t quit smoking. You quit smoking cigarettes and traded it for smoking a stupid Juul. Vaping is unhealthy, killing people, and hooking children to something dangerous. This article is irresponsible and asinine.

This. Every article about vaping is filled with vape supporters claiming that vaping is somehow anti-big tobacco. All the major vaping companies are owned by cigarette giants who now have a way to get back into the under 18 market.

You give McQuery a lot of credit here. It’s just as likely he was a selfish coward or a terrible person who valued his own interests more than that of a victim of sexual abuse. I’m glad he ultimately told the truth, but he clearly failed in the moment.