I hate the number thing. To this day I read “Se7en” as “Sezezzven.”
I hate the number thing. To this day I read “Se7en” as “Sezezzven.”
There’s plenty of speedsters in the comic lore. I wouldn’t mind seeing the show hop to another Earth, and pick up with mostly new characters. And another Harry Wells, obvs.
The tone of some you tube stuff is oddly aggressive. If you have a YT feed full of nerdy starship videos and fan films as I do, then the conspiracy stuff gets recommended, too.
Cool, thanks. I hope that’s the case if it means no obstacles to finally getting a non-prequel series.
Probably an inside joke. Also, I think it would be crashingly unlikely if those two aren’t at or near top of Marvel’s casting wishlist for inclusion in the next phase of movies.
There’s a theory going round that ‘Prime’ trek is indefinitely suspended and canonically ring-fenced. The Picard show will, by some shenanigan, be canonical with Discovery. I don’t really mind the legal/licensing gymnastics so long as the shows are entertaining. I really hope DSC runs a few more seasons.
The weird “false-light” effect is what throws off poor CGI. I find it frustrating to watch.
I’m really enjoying this season. A lot of the flack Discovery got last year was because of the near impossibility of satisfying external legal constraints and boardroom shenanigans.
Marvel Phase 35 is...
How many BAUDS is that?
Spore Drive confirmed.
It could be that the current cast have agreed to say nice, diplomatic things until after Endgame, but then they’ll be out. The team’s name will go on with a new membership and director but this cast might be done.
It’s a testament to the power of youtube’s personalization algorithm that every time a “famous” YT personality gets in legal trouble or a scandal, it’s the first time I’ve ever heard of them.
Maybe it’ll get a couple of episodes to tie things up, like Timeless.
earned the respect of his Brother Rats
He could set up a youtube channel offering offensive makeup tips.
The Salmon Mousse!
A Mars a day helps you frown, sigh, and star glumly into the middle distance.
people were weirded out by it and advised him to change them for eye implants long before he finally did so
could you stop with the tech enhanced people? Geordy was an oddity.