
Is that a safe length for keys?

But my point: those racks are full of elaborate storage devices - things that go far beyond being just hard drives.

"the hard drives displaying previews of the live content"

"Karsten Nohl and Jakob Lell have reverse engineered the firmware that controls the basic communication functions of USB"

"a French VIN number"

Head still on? Pussy ain't even do it right.

"On the tech/app side I'm keep things unsophisticated"

Oof. Enjoy paying through the nose. I buy all my gas in 1998.

I love Jews, but hate Israelis.

"We are always at war, whether declared or not, whether the public is aware of it or not. When that mentality dominates, the correct priorities are made for weapons, aircraft and research, and the correct folks take command because they have to."

This doesn't make any sense.

And did you know that heathen Indians used to live in a lot of places, all over the country? God knows what horrible atrocities they committed in what is now the land we call our home.

Are you even allowed to give things "foreign" names like this in the midwest?

My head's still having trouble getting around that headline. One doesn't "stream" ATSC to one's computer - one receives it.

A-fucking-men. We're not even talking some vague promise of "makes wine better," but something specific: increased oxidation. And wouldn't you know it, but that's something we can quite easily assay with a little modern technology.

Are they focused on teaching the difference between plurals and possessives? Because apparently that's in need.

Step 1: Continue to not use Facebook.

Denton was clearly the way to go.

Why does this post constantly capitalize "ball boy?"