You do realize I am sitting at my desk at work literally laughing out loud hysterically at that, which is what my post is referencing here?
You do realize I am sitting at my desk at work literally laughing out loud hysterically at that, which is what my post is referencing here?
Tyler, this is an interesting profile but I can't help but take issue with your Matt Lauer-esque-can-women-have-it-all second question. You've got the most decorated and experienced fighter pilot answering your questions and you ask him about how much PUSSY HE'S CRUSHING BRO.
Meh. If the place was clean then what's the problem? If her friend hadn't showed her, then there wouldn't be an issue. She wasn't being "haunted", she didn't sense anything was wrong, there weren't weird smells or noises in the basement, and the guy who did the crimes wasn't coming back from the dead to come after her…
"It's not glamourized, it's just performed by the most beautiful people possible in faux-grimy sets with strangely erotic dark lighting..."