
The railgun they've been testing claims to have a range of 100mi, (and I bet it's actual range is further than that). If they combined the two? God that sounds like a terrifying combination. If it could triple that range too...


How dare you besmirch Mexicans!

I'd ask you to consider the light output of the Harte though.

I'd ask you to consider the light output of the Harte though.

This is applicable to basically all production-based industries. Movies, architecture, software, consumer products, automotive design and manufacturing etc.

In Russia Eurofighter doesn't poke bear, Bear pokes Europe!

One thing that I began to think about is that video games operate in a specific medium in which the concept of an "avatar" actually begins to be a very powerful device to address racism, micro-aggressions, and bias.

Video games as a medium both project and reflect elements of our society. To not discuss the ramifications and implications is the same as accepting the status quo. What's the harm in discussing and trying to change things? If race really doesn't matter, this discussion and any resultant change in improving the

Not gonna lie, it's not cheap. But when I consider talking about "best" it's a balance w/ economies. I've owned Ikea stuff too but it all has a finite lifespan. As I've been able to slowly afford better furniture I've begun to appreciate all the stuff that is well designed and built that will last for decades or more.

Not gonna lie, it's not cheap. But when I consider talking about "best" it's a balance w/ economies. I've owned Ikea

I have the older version that doesn't even have this! Good to know they're improving something that's pretty awesome already. Thanks.

I have the older version that doesn't even have this! Good to know they're improving something that's pretty awesome

Hydrogen fuel cells, though, offer recharging/refueling times not too different from what we're used to with gasoline cars. That's a big deal, and it's easy to not give a shit that your electricity storage system is half as efficient as batteries when you can just refill your hydrogen tank in five or so minutes.

Who're the 5 greatest graphic designers of all time?

Love love love my Flos Kelvin LED lamp.

Love love love my Flos Kelvin LED lamp.


So only the Germans should be allowed to satirize Hitler? That's asinine. It's not out of line for anyone to satirize Kim Jong-un either. He doesn't have to agree with the free speech, or even find it in good taste. But it should be allowed. This is why we condemn but allow speech from the likes of Westboro Baptist

My big one: USE HEADPHONES (though a lot of FPS players know this already). I started playing w/ a friend so we switched to headsets for better communication and the difference is huge. The monsters are actually quite noisy, but so is the environment. Having headphones makes a huge difference in locating monsters.

Though I've found this close proximity without a trail actually allows you to misdirect groups, esp those without Daisy VERY easily. You gotta start moving, but if you consider sight lines and creep instead of running you can send them in the completely wrong direction.

FWIW Superglues are typically cyanoacrylate adhesives which will definitely benefit from this. But two-part epoxies are usually catalyzed by the chemicals themselves and should be fairly stable.

FWIW, I felt totally burned by Destiny and loved both the Alpha and Beta for this game. It doesn't have that deja vu / groundhog day feel that Destiny has.

Wraith was an unlock gift to those that had pre-ordered only during the beta. Comes with the game as part of the base package.