Syndicate is just begging for a tablet based release.
Syndicate is just begging for a tablet based release.
Can we please note the presence of fully clothed female characters and a nod to ethnic diversity? And fantastic art direction. Death of the "gamer" or a whole new glorious future? Hats off to Blizzard.
And there's actually a whole section of Calabasas I can't access yet because I'm not rich or famous enough.
I've had both Zojirushi and the Contigo and I prefer the Zojirushi. It insulates WAY better and it has a significantly slimmer profile that's easier to put in my bag. Don't get me wrong, the Contigo is well made and the autoseal works. However, it just doesn't keep coffee warm as well on cold days when I'm outside.
I've had both Zojirushi and the Contigo and I prefer the Zojirushi. It insulates WAY better and it has a…
No, no! Don't you see? This is NYC's defining moment. She will erupt in her 30s jaded and cynical just like the rest of us!
Where does he get the money to buy the scarves wholesale if he can't afford gas?
I clearly remember my heart pounding as I was crouched waiting for the tanks and troops to walk by.
While the stock i8 looks just like pure future to me, this looks like those retro-future images that just got it all wrong...
Why is it wrong to give more coverage to something one feels is worthwhile?
The E3 gameplay trailer shows some kind of timer, so maybe each mission will have a time limit enforced to encourage a certain pace of play?
It makes nut butters
It makes nut butters
This is why we can't have nice things!
You are the 50 Cent of RDR
Wasn't so much production quality issue for me but just realizing that I look horrible doing the sports that I enjoy so much. However great I thought I did something, I was basically are 80% worse than what I imagined when I reviewed the footage. Video does not lie...
While we're at it, should we compare CoD to the Israel/Palestine conflict? Or to Syria, because they're all deserty and dusty and have those brown dudes running around. Looks the same!
While it's set in only 18", the concrete almost certainly extends beyond the footprint of the bar, it may go out as much as several feet in all directions. It's essentially cantilevered out of the ground so that the assembly is designed to just resist the tipping moment of the impact. The extension beyond the…
The manual transmission allows the driver to select their chosen gear, for example, down from fifth to third when approaching a corner. The concept of the new Civic Type R is to be the complete driver's car so this was the best option.