
Refreshing eventually worked. I'm on the list, but I don't think this was one I ever used with Gmail. It was an old one that I knew got leaked a couple years ago.

Website doesn't even load for me.

Will it allow me to invert the Y axis?

Except to go to the closest "international" airport... Or if you're travelling N/S and are transitioning from I-95 over to I-75, it's faster than traversing I-10.

Seriously. No more running some sketchy executable to crack the software.


I am the sad maker and that makes me sad. I too want to rent this ST-H.

Am I missing something? I don't get the impression from the tweet that it's making it's way to the US. All I see is suggesting that it'd be a good idea:

Really? Comic Sans?

Probably not. Nintendo is notoriously stringent about licensing their IP and having approval over all artwork. I'd be willing to bet that this was totally illegal. Not that these companies in China really care.

Fighter jet also puts human eyes directly on the plane. The fighter pilot can see into the cockpit to help develop a better awareness of the situation.

These are among my favorite purchases ever. They shocked me when I first put them on. They've got great clarity and balance. They're hard to beat value-wise (maybe Grados come close). I've had a pair for nearly 7 years now and they WILL NOT DIE. Travelling and commuting has killed 5 other IEMs/earbuds in those same

These are among my favorite purchases ever. They shocked me when I first put them on. They've got great clarity and

"I had something in my eye!"

Maybe something about ramping up to Black Friday / Holiday season?

It is totally beatable. I can still tell you the right timing for a lot of the levels. I also plaid that game probably way more than any other platformer save SMB3.

I always felt that the handicap feature in Smash was great for playing with friends that were a bit more casual with the game. Even if it made them a bit OP, I enjoyed the challenge of trying to overcome and they had fun kicking my ass every once in a while.

The major issue is that usually road damage is a combination of things and not just the damaged surface. Degrading underlayment (stabilized gravels and sand) contributes a lot so it's not so simple as replacing a panel. I like the idea of this, but I'm concerned about the practicalities.

Pipe? hm... I always thought it was some weird gavel thing.

Can an average person's taste buds even differentiate the levels of heat at that point? Or is it basically like the difference between being burned by a 350,000 degree flame or a 2m degree flame?