Sort of agree with you. I feel like the dip on the top face is really fussy as are the routed channels.
Sort of agree with you. I feel like the dip on the top face is really fussy as are the routed channels.
Totally agree that transparency is good business. The key is that most people don't want to spend the time to do all the research and work. It's really a lot to take on and ultimately buyers seem to respond well to transparency. You got paid $1500 for a decent amount of labor and knowledge. Can you imagine what you'd…
I recommend propping them up on either the angled stands they make or make your own. They really change the frequency balance. Though I agree with their initial harshness, breaking them in is def a good idea.
I dunno. The handlebars look like they are swept a bit far back for a forward leaning position. And the pegs are basically right under the handlebars, which to me makes it sound like this whole thing is just a Shadow wearing some new fairings.
That's clearly a sack tap.
Ya mon.
I think the splitter is centered. I see what he means, but I think that's a perspective thing as the splitter is recessed back an inch or two from the exhaust mouth.
This game sounds so incredibly frustrating I don't know if I could even get it together enough to enjoy. It's so absurd in so many ways. I'd hate having that feeling of potentially having to start over. Not knowing what the hell is going to happen to me at any given point. I think I'd end up screaming all the time at…
Yes, that's what I was trying to convey with the "increased amount of risk being taken". People are riding more difficult terrain, jumping higher, farther, etc.
Interesting thing about helmets, they apparently aren't doing that much to prevent Traumatic Brain Injuries in skiing (NYTimes). Apparently, 70 percent of ski participants in the US wear them, but the number of injuries has not decreased at all. Something to do with an increased amount of risk being taken on now…
It's a schooner, dumbass.
When did North Face jackets become hot again? Did you also want an autographed copy of Phish's Hoist?
Or the murder investigation was enough to get a warrant to examine both of their phone records.
Not a grenade, but C4! Now they have something new to test. I certainly hope you can fall on a grenade.
I'm not an IP lawyer, but a former musician. They may be skirting the legality of the issue by claiming it's not being used like in TV and Movies, but is rather a digital transmission. As a result, the artist doesn't get to choose whether the music is used or not, but rather is just plaid a flat royalty rate for each…
Puffy is not amused.
I think this kind of spectacle is more common because of technology now, but the desire to watch it hasn't really changed. We've been enamored with this kind of stuff since the Hindenburg to the Zapruder Kennedy assassination film to more recently the fall of the twin towers on 9-11. The Kennedy film gives me the…
Some cars have the antithesis to the autolock, with an auto unlock when you slide it into park. I seem to recall some cars also unlock in the detection of a collision as well. The flattened tire might've triggered something. There are plenty of reasons that it may have become unlocked.