
Making fun of his weight is just picking low hanging fruit, which Christie would never touch, unless it’s covered in chocolate or filling a pie; because he’s a fatty fatty 2x4, can’t fit through the kitchen door.

Lonzo looks “listed at 6'6 but actually 6'4", whereas Livingston always came across bigger than the 6'7 he’s listed, both in person at games and on TV. Livingston has done a decent job on guys like Lebron. That seems laughable for Lonzo to ever get to that point.

How about that, I just figured the Raptors only had meltdowns in the playoffs.

He shouldn’t have chosen C: Both.

Are you sure he isn’t just “thrilling” because a ton of Lakers fans are traveling to Vegas and overreacting to everything Ball does in an arena that’s dead silent the rest of the time?

99% chance Froome will coast to a win. Even yesterday, see how the other riders chasing the breakaway did everything they could to help Froome short of pedaling for him. When he waved them around so he could ride in their slipstream, I have no idea why they didn’t tell him to eat shit and make him stay in front. None

I mean, I know “a taller Andre Miller” doesn’t tent anybody’s undies, but Andre Miller was a really good player for a long time. He just happened to have the kind of game that came up a little bit short of making him an All-Star type during his peak years. If he’d come along a little later, now that the game has

Are the fucking guy the C’s traded for?

Who the fuck is you?

I think my favorite boardwalk tee, and this might’ve been in the Delaware beach area or maybe OC, Maryland, is:

When I was a college freshman, i bought a shirt that said “They told me I could grow up to become anything, so I became an asshole.”

[Kill the Bat beat me to it.]

C’mon, that coat’s enormous. It had, like, 7-9 pockets.

Are NFL players banned from working after three years? Do NFL players make the same as I do per year? Do they make the same as a waiter who gets paid less than minimum wage? Piss off with this poor NFL players bull. They can afford to tip decently.

From working in the industry, a dollar a drink is perfectly respectable. Someone has to make it and/or deliver it. There is labor involved, though mild.

Minimum wage for tipped employees in most states is lower than what people think of as the minimum wage. So, no, they are not getting paid to serve through their wage. That is what the customers are for, thanks to the ARA. Being a shitty tipper is being a selfish asshole.

fine be that way. My curiosity will drive me to madness now.

To be fair, every single one of them made more money in one year than I made in 10. Also, if you’re worried about not making a minimum six figure salary next year, maybe don’t bring in all of your family and fair weather friends for a couple thousand dollars in drinks and food.

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In contrast to his .8 APG career average, Roberson’s arithmetic shows that he does in fact know how to drop a dime.