
Hypercolor trunks that change based on your oxygen level?

Yeah, you know what I like!

There are plenty of adults that pee in the pool too.

Flying Dog is great! I always look for their stuff at my local liquor store.

I have. And plans to do more!

What about using proper capitalization?

Lonzo to Timberwolves.

The home run. When you go opposite-handed and they STILL can’t get you out?

If you get out, come back for me please.


Drew seems to have a terrible diet, so I’d guess him.

It would even make Marchman’s cereal taste better.


I like the helmet sundae.

Skydome has that hotel, so that has to boost numbers.

What were the old rules?

I think the chatroom would be fun if Simmons came here.

Remember Clearly Canadian? That shit was great.

You just secured your spot at the top of my list! Great choice.

Pineapple and jalapenos.