
I think you go middle on that one.

We need a list of the best taco toppings.

What is the best sporting event you’ve attended?

Gilbert Arenas is Lithuanian?!

If you need a 35+ goalie with a bad shoulder, let me know. I’m available on a free transfer.

That’s enough to turn me into a Clippers fan! I wish other owners would follow suit, but I’m not that delusional.

Does he judge his partners? “That was good, BUT...an all-time great? I don’t think so!”

Throwing yourself down the stairs was just one more thing Robinson couldn’t block.

This had potential.

You need the Gilbert Arenas and Awvee Storey puppets for that.

That sounds even harder to get out of a rug.

Yeah, some of us can’t afford to be that picky. I gotta take what I can get sometimes, horrible ideologies and all.

Raiders, Sharks, Indians, and Nuggets here. Want to start a suicide pact?

Cromulent, even.

After reading, you could still be dean at FSU.

No Chico State fans are mouthing off though.

It was “gay fucking shit” I believe.

2/2= +1

It’s the 9 other guys on the roster he can’t carry.

Miles is way too high. That guy sucks.