
Is he married to a white woman? (yes I went there)

I got nothing new to say, just wanna tell you both how much I appreciate the breadth and poetry of your compound insults.

I just realized that this j*ckass was health commissioner of Indiana under Pence - back when they presided over an HIV outbreak with prayer.

That’s some bullshit from that bad fried chicken eating, finger licking, lazy as fuck thot, no sense having, racist as hell santorum covered turd in rat skin, orange foolius head ass looking motherfucker, told him to say.

Sounds like a message conveyed from His orange, illegal, incompetent, ain’t worth horseshit, stealing, racist, murdering tRump daddy. 

A friend of mine bought a similar F150 new and drove it for years. He found it to be a terrific vehicle. He was a little different than most people who buy a pickup for personal use, in that he often (at least weekly) used it to carry things, motorcycles, yard waste, etc,. that are best carried in a pickup bed. IIRC,

“If literally one thing goes wrong—if the team needs to call for help or a tow truck, if they get stopped, if they crash—literally anything goes wrong here and these guys would be pulling resources from an otherwise already overloaded system, not to mention potentially increasing the risk of contracting coronavirus by

I’ve done those beer runs! I also did a couple runs from Owatonna to La Crosse to bring back some of that Wisconsin goodness. 

Am I the only one who really dislikes the broad move to big screens for everything including the dash?

This is a fantastic breakdown of the Y, David. Damned thorough. Bravo.

Built-in mothball scent

If you take up two spaces I will block you in.

I had an ‘09 Fit, and you would be amazed at how much crap you can stuff in that car. It’s like a friggin void. Also was more fun to drive than my previous Civic (‘05 EX SE manual). I definitely have a soft spot for the Fit. 

sounds like you don’t know wtf you’re talking about.  So please.... keep going!  I’m hanging on every word.

I’m less worried about him canceling the election than I’m worried about Republican governors and legislatures canceling the election only for people who typically vote for Democrats. We’re going to see a lot of closing of polling locations in the name of public health, mainly in large cities, while resisting the call

It is for foreign dictators where the Trump Organization has businesses, or plans to.

Is he transitioning? He has a face of a lady. Those eyebrows do not move.

He also had the audacity to say the federal stockpile is not for the states? Who the fuck is it for then? The parts of America that aren’t states like Puerto Rico and Guam (haha like Trump would ever help Puerto Rico).