
Gosh, I guess I shouldn’t have used my 2 door, 1/2 ton, stripper 2006 GMC to move my car, hot tub, woodworking shop, and essentially everything in my garage to a neighboring state last summer. I must also be mistaken about the several tons of concrete blocks, drywall, decking, sand, and gravel it’s hauled since then.

You’re correct about the stock buybacks. They artificially inflated the market in a way that had nothing to do with earnings. I’m waiting to see how much his, excuse me, the businesses ran by his kids, and campaign contributors are going to get from the relief bill, since DT will be in charge of all oversight. I agree

You’re comparing an AMC 6 to GM and Ford 4 bangers.  Those guys made straight 6's too ya know.

Perhaps Mr. Brownell is hinting about people who drive 3/4 ton trucks mainly to get to work at their desk jobs, and would never actually use them for anything since that would scratch the bed. I’ve seen / known many people like this who live in suburbia but like to pretend they’re rugged individualists. Perhaps he’s

Half of the U.S. discretionary budget goes towards defending us from, well, both nobody and everybody at the same time.  Half.  That is THE reason we can’t have nice things.  Just sayin’.

I would be happier if somehow, those big glorious screens, would be required to tell you more than “Check Engine”. They’re certainly capable, as are the computers. A code displayed with a description of the fault, and any possible actions the driver could take would be useful even if you can’t fix it on the spot with

Carbon monoxide exhaust in a garage. If it will kill people, it will kill critters.