woodle for hillary

So, in essence, “I have no plan. I have no plan anymore. Do what you have to do and God have mercy on our souls...”

It means he’s trying to save congressional seats. He’s telling any Republican in a race this election to do what they have to do to survive.

I am loving every moment of this. They push towards the deplorables, they lose support from moderates, they push to the moderates, the deplorables stomp their feet and don’t show up and they can’t keep their seats without base support. So Paul Ryan is stuck with two shitty options and good for him, he deserves all the

Out of everything that came out of this election cycle, the most baffling to me is the redefining of the word ‘endorse’.

‘I won’t campaign with him. I won’t support him. I won’t defend him. But I will endorse him.’ WHAT. DOES. THAT. EVEN. MEAN?

He should resign and concentrate on his CrossFit. Better for everyone that way, really. Just look at how much fun Boehner is having right now!

Come on. Barbara would never openly express or experience affection to that degree.

On the topic of Billy Bush has everyone read Lindy West’s glorious op-ed in the New York Times?

Very giggly and euphoric, like someone who has a secret crush.

So now Trump has torpedoed the careers of two Bushes, Billy and JEB!. Is Barbara putting on her ass-kicking boots, or just holding JEB! while he cries into her arms?

Backstage beforehand:

Very giggly and euphoric, like someone who has a secret crush.

NBC can always bring back Chelsea Clinton. Or move Brian Williams over.

but, but,but... Billy’s going to miss out on all the Today Show’s Halloween Fun!®.

Secondly, I now know who Billy Bush is.
This also bothers me.

I want my last Thursday’s brain back.

i don’t think pence has a choice but to tough it out to the end, his career is fucked and finally i feel some sort of cosmic equilibrium being brought back to this fucked up world.

I can’t believe that Billy Bush lost his job as an entertainment reporter over these comments, but over 40% of the country still wants Trump to be PRESIDENT.

But they still got the balloons and streamers for the crew, just out of camera view.

Billy Bush is total garbage and a walking lawsuit for NBC. As gross and outrageous as Trump’s comments were, Bush was talking about his co-worker and another guest on the show. Any woman who works there would be well within her rights to say that he creates a hostile work environment and any female guest could say she

This was the only way for NBC to handle it. Professional, to the point. They couldn’t have some emotional take about their coworker. I’m not a fan of the Today Show but I think they handled it fine.