woodle for hillary

And if you speak up, your behaviors, your appearance, your history, and your motives - not the man’s - will be called into question.

He did though - in some interview, he specifically said he would be a disasters as a candidate bc of his stuff with women.

I don’t know that they have a ton of saner options for Drumpf supporters.

And how could it be different from how he approached her initially?

Trump is saying now he is going to go after his accusers. Wanting to avoid that is completely reasonable.

Well, he had an agreement. I bet Melania cannot go outside the relationship.

Maybe it will become her style.

I know. The Khans got death threats too.

The lawyer of one of the women said that many women have come to her, but are afraid!

Yeah, but her husband was at the Tower multiple times.


No guarantee someone would say something today either.

And at that time, if they did, they wouldn’t have said anything.

Doesn’t matter - he threatened the entire US - not just Hillary when he said not to bring out any evidence.

I’m in.

I know - I was gleeful when I saw the NYT alert, but so sorry for those women. Sorry too for what they are going to go through now as well.

There were reports that she did not go to Trump tower at all over the weekend. Is she back now?

The women who came forward are SO FRICKING BRAVE.

AJ Delgado on MSNBC is saying that any woman would have said something decades ago. I know I’ve never come forward about any of the crap that has happened to me. Does that make it so that they didn’t occur?

Or the Trump supporter who said the comments didn’t count because “they were in a locker room.”