woodle for hillary

Not that this matters because all women of all shapes and sizes can be sexually assaulted and harassed but...what exactly are we supposed to see when we look at Stoynoff?

I think John Oliver said it best when he said “Let me just remind you that last Sunday, I told you if you looked above the clouds, you would see rock bottom. But if you look up there now . . . you will see, right up in the distance, where we were this time last week. Because since then, we have sunk so low, we are

I thought we were already in hell but apparently there is hell within hell.

Damn. this is powerful. I have a daughter and that’s what scares me most. A large portion of our population is condoning and even shrugging off Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women. They trash talk Hillary and Michelle Obama even though these are two are amazing role models. They would vote for a groper

Which is probably the only single good thing to come out of this election. Oh, and the first woman president. I feel like this is going to be lengthy dialogue. Like, four years lengthy, at least, and it’s about damn time.

This public conversation is galvanizing for women, and I suppose quite educational for those men who go through life without the slightest clue of the perniciousness and insidiousness of rape culture and daily grind of negotiating your way through it as a woman. But what I find disturbing is the contingent of men who

Playing my rape victim card: I’ve been raped by a stranger in an alley. I’ve also had my boob grabbed by a guy in an elevator who was trying to hit on me, and a guy in a meeting touch my leg under the table, and a crazy homeless guy grab my crotch. I’m never going to tell you that being raped was better than those

I was watching this last night and she was so emotional during this. And it reminded me as well of all the times men touched me or I felt that I had to do/endure things for men and it feels so gross and awful. The powerlessness is so real. There is not a damn thing I can do.

God I’m gonna miss the Obamas. Here’s hoping she pulls a clinton, gets into politics and makes a presidential run in 2024 or something.

This explained things so very well. It’s sad that the people who must need to hear it aren’t going to listen. Maybe it might reach them but I doubt it.

I hate drumf. Hate. But I’m thankful. Why?

As much as I despise that orange turd, he’s at least showing those who are privileged enough not to go through racism and sexism on a daily basis, that they are clearly not dead and are quite rampant. Lets see what comes about now that its out in the open in 2016

I am far less sanguine. I think the Lexington at The Economist makes a pretty good case for taking all this white rage, polishing the delivery, and then redirecting it into a very effective 2020 campaign:

“ Smart money says that this election will be locked up even before election day rolls around.”

Early voting has started and is expected to set a record in Ohio. Smart money says that this election will be locked up even before election day rolls around. Time for Hills’ transition team to begin ordering furniture.

We’re watching the implosion of a political aprty in real time. It’s fucking amazing.

Fuck. Delgado, that traitor. She’s trying to pretend that nobody remembers what it was like to speak out against sexual harassment in the 70s and 80s: it wasn’t done.

Yes! This! I have been coming to terms with the same revelations.

She explains the vertigo and self doubt that it caused her extremely well. I thought it was poignant that she felt relieved when she heard the leaked tapes, because she could be sure it wasn’t her fault.