woodle for hillary

That might not flow off the tongue very well. “-gate” a little safer.

I will be referring to balls as “clackers” for awhile now. Thank you Samantha Bee.

Cher’s command of emojis is impressive. Occasionally inscrutable, but impressive.

Will sell like hotcakes at the next Donald Trump gatherings:

Dammit I thought I had a shot with Pussyleaks! Back to the drawing board.

*sputtering inchoate rage*

I literally just ran across the room to turn off the BBC so that my 5 year old daughter wouldn’t hear any of this. Pussy is not a word we use. My daughter has already decided that Trump is not good but I don’t want to explain this. I don’t want her to know that sexual assault happens. I don’t want her to be afraid.

It’s far worse... it’s like going on a GoT discussion board and then complaining about spoilers.

WHAT THE FUCK?! *sigh* I live in this state, it’s my job to take care of this. *grabs his rifle, fucking bullshit*

The only reason the GOP said anything today is because they have done well in the recent past with old white men and married white women. He can insult Mexicans (or any Latinos), Blacks, Muslims, Jews, or LGBTQ folks because that’s not their base. Alicia Machado, the Khans, Rosie O’Donnell all fall within demographics

I did see that. It was so uncomfortable and exploitative. My general reaction was thus:

It’s just a silencing tactic, it’s basically tone trolling. She’s attempting to shut down discussion on the issue and using her kid as a pawn to do it. If she can get any mention of Trump’s latest faux pas to seem too improper to repeat, she can limit the spread, that’s all it is.

I grabbed this gif when Bernie-or-Busters were still a thing, but it’s very all-purpose:

Fucking Thank You

If you don’t want your daughter to hear the word “pussy” maybe don’t let her watch the segment where you’re defending Donald Trump bragging about grabbing women by the pussy. That’s like going on Twitter on a Sunday night and complaining about Game of Thrones spoilers.

Typical left-wing pinko liberal media bias tactics #101: quote people accurately.

So, all Bill Clinton needs to do is change parties and all his sins are absolved?

Right? He was just a 60 year old Democrat ten years ago. Weren’t we all such pieces of shit when we were 60? Then we hit 70, grew up, switched parties, and found a way to mislead Christians to support our presidential endeavors.

Oh, think again!