woodle for hillary

Oh come on. He is still going to show up and he is going to stick to his stupider than stupid game plan- he is going to bring up Bill Clinton and fall on his stupid, orange face.

I don’t want to wade through the links for it right now but apparently the true zealots believe that god wants them to vote trumpenfarter because then the real god plan will kick in- trumpenfarter is “eliminated” and Pence becomes the President they truly want.

Wow, I don’t know if replacing Trump with Pence is really going to distance Ryan from The Donald. Trump’s Facebook army is just screaming Benghazi! Emails! into the darkness.

There is no way Trump has the religious vote, right? Like...he’s turned the entire Republican party into performance art for 2016 and I’m sure white men still support him, but I just can’t see people in the Bible Belt voting for someone who said “grab them by the pussy.”

Question: if he drops out, does Pence become the nominee on ballots? Does Pence choose whatever VP he wants?

......But none of them will denounce their support of Trump. My god, how fucking slimy and greedy do you have to be to want a Republican in the White House?

So first of all i think pussygate is a fabulous name for this particular scandal. I like that people hold on to damning tapes and documents to use at the best times. The only thing wrong with this thing is that hey we already knew Trump was a masogynist so it won’t really sway men. Especially dudes that talk this way.

You include Harry Reid in your list but he is a Dem! So very much so a Dem.

It’s interesting (sickening) to see who defends Trump and who doesn’t.

I have solid evidence that chicks love the pussy

Pussygate? Pussyghazi? Pussywater?

At this point, if you even THINK about making the argument that Hillary is just as bad as Trump, please remove yourself from society and just think about what you’ve done for a while.

Its a total nothing. Completely non controversial stuff that no rational person could get upset about.

It’s really... nothing. It’s not as intense as her public persona but it’s not radically different. She’s catering to her audience without fundamentally changing who she is. I don’t get why she was so against publicizing these except then she couldn’t use them again.

.... Why are you surprised she fought so hard against it? She wasn’t trying to hide what was in the speeches, she was fighting against the stupid double standard that had strong undertones of “how dare the uppity lady get paid lots of money to speak to a group who is willing to pay her lots of money to hear words come

I mean, if these are the the worst they’ve got...this is...not that big a deal? I dunno; I know my fellow millennials REALLY hate that she is like vaguely moderate on certain shit (sigh, but I’m not gonna get into that rn) but after today’s pussy-gate is this really gonna matter? The choices are a qualified candidate

I mean after trump’s comments to Billy Bush, this seems like a nothingburger?

Huh. I legitimately expected them to be worse than that.

Agreed. Bush comes off as an equally disgusting sycophant. Trump supporters won’t give two shits about this. Anyone *still* supporting Trump at this point likes his views on women, so this has no impact other than making the rest of us feel even more disgusted by this election than we were an hour ago. More and more

“I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.”

Um. Donald. This is simple battery AT BEST and actual sexual assault at worst.