woodle for hillary


I voted strictly on the criteria of Paul’s croissant recipe.

Yes, but Trump won’t only be fine, he’ll be BETTER OFF if he loses the election than if he wins. He totally wins if he loses, which is something his diehard supporters don’t seem to get.

I’d take 4 more years of W over four years of Trump. W may have been a lot of things, most of them terrible but Trump makes him look like Jimmy Carter.

At this point I need a sociologist to explain this shit to me bc it does NOT. MAKE. SENSE.

New Yorkers know this guy. We’re amazed that the rest of the country is buying his steaming load of BS.

The real story is no longer even remotely that this deranged, colossally ignorant, mendacious, and malicious man has somehow become the nominee of a major party. The Republican Party is nothing but a racist con job and money-laundering operation anyhow, it has been running on fumes for a generation. So yeah, whatever.

It took me a moment but when I got it:

The same people who support Trump will complain that “welfare cheats” are ruining our country. And this will not make them reconsider their position.

Short pants with knee socks is a fucking adorable outfit for a little boy, and I will fight anyone who disagrees.

Their clothes look comfortable as well as cute, so good job there. Nothing heavy, tight, or scratchy.

he’s better than they are because he has more money.”

“At least he doesn’t LIE to us and try to cover stuff up like Crooked Hillary! He tells it like it is, I don’t have to agree with everything he says!”

It’s a huge problem

A Hope Hicks appearance. Wow! She does actual work apparently.

And yet! There are still assholes who claim it’s the Clinton Foundation that is sooooo corrupt.

Does Hope Hicks work for the Trump business organization, political campaign, or charitable foundation? And isn’t that part of the problem here?

He has all the conspiracies, all of the best ones, all the cyber, believe me.

I’m choosing to see this as a direct challenge to the IRS to get it in gear and take him down.