woodle for hillary

I think so. At least for me personally, that’s where she sounds strongest. Having to be on the defensive all the time isn’t helping her.

And doesn’t Clinton live for this kind of thing? She isn’t great with the rousing speeches, but she seems to like talking about policies.

It is fucking outrageous that she had to, AGAIN, defend her email actions, while Trump skated by, AGAIN, without giving any substantive answers. What the actual fuck? Should we not be listening to her talk about policy at a forum about policy? She’s the only candidate who has something real to say, based on facts and

There was a recent article about liberal-leaning media figures’ bad tendency to overcorrect and how it has helped normalize the Trump campaign.

Man, it’s a shocker she doesn’t really like spending a lot of time on media Q&A sessions when this is the treatment she gets...I agree, it’s absolutely inexcusable on Lauer’s part.

Matt Lauer is a hack. It is true. That wasn’t embarrassing for Clinton, it was embarrassing for NBC. Hey NBC how can your “marquee talent” not understand how to stay on point or be respectful to Military/Veteran’s issues facing this country? Fire him. If a woman had pulled that crap, there would be calls for her head

Remember Newt Gingrich saying that it didn’t matter that crime had gone down because people FELT that it had gone up? That feelings were as important as facts?

It also shined light on the fact that Trump’s recent “Hillary Clinton is mentally ill and in poor health” liemongering is complete bullshit.

It’s not like NBC doesn’t have better people! Maddow was right there! Hell, I would have paid money to watch Joy Reid moderate, she is pretty much a one-woman news station at this point, bringing up the slack for putty heads like Lauer.

Well, I have always wondered why there aren’t more women committing workplace murders. C’mon! PMS, lower pay, shitter (usually) work duties?

Right, because when it comes to planning to fight a complex enemy, brevity is really the most important thing.

Double standard? What double standard?

Yes. Which is why it’s so interesting that “many people” are saying Trump donated to NAMBLA.

Is that the standard now? Not actual correctness, but whether “many people” think something is correct? Because if so, the moon landing was faked and irregardless is a word.

To those who would defend Trump with “what he meant to say,” I would remind them that according to Trump, he always says what he means.

he spent a third of his time with Clinton on questions about her private email server

Hey, looks like you have a similar Facebook feed to me.

FIFTEEN MINUTES about Crooked Hillary emails, but nary a question about any of the dumbass shit Trump was spouting? What is even happening.

According to my facebook feed, he’s the sane one!