woodle for hillary

I’m choosing not to be cynical about this.

i love her

damn, the side eye that dog is getting from Piper is hilarious.


Y’know, this has been said elsewhere, but if the Hillary shop took less than 6 weeks to ship stuff out, I’d be more inclined to buy more. I bought a mug and two buttons back in July and I still have yet to see them. I paid 2-day shipping for them. I’ve sent an email with no response. I’m happy the money went to her

I volunteered as a rape crisis counselor for 6 years. For sure, I can guarantee that the memories of the victims don’t fade.

“People are starting to realize rape is a serious crime... It does not happen by accident. It’s a conscious decision by a rapist. The victim should always have the opportunity to come forward.”

Now playing

They left it outside in the parking lot, where all of it—the T-shirts, the CDs, the patriotic posters—was stolen while the girls performed their act, Popick says.

Trump is a cheap bastard. He has no problem ripping off kids and veterans. He's a terrible businessman if he can't honor his promises.

Classic Trump. Save $2500 now, spend $25K defending and ultimately settle for $7500. I would have taken this case on, on contingency even, in a heartbeat. Yea, please let this “extremely” “successful” “businessman” run a country.

Having to discuss mental health issues in a professional context is one of the more humiliating things to do in the American workplace. I had to do it today and even though the outcome was extremely favorable for me, I still want to curl up in a ball and hide forever. I can’t imagine having to deal with it on this

Personally, I’m desperately waiting for the 12th when Samantha Bee comes back.

You legit think creating that show is a one day a week job? That’s cute.

How can he be off the air for this whole month? Mid-election season, none the less! COME BACK, JOHN!

Tim Kaine is going to look like the Crypt Keeper.

Don’t the American people deserve a better explanation [for the run-of-the-mill private server whose reason for being is no longer up for update]?

Typical libtard. Researching a piece and providing links from reasonable writers as evidence when making points counter to a breitbart article. Still haven’t provided any evidence that jet fuel can melt steel, so I’m undecided on who to vote for. Try harder; you’re at deadspin now. Its bigly.

We’re gonna get new factories, new roads, and new schools. And Ohio is gonna pay for it!

Sadly, Trump’s proclamation that he’s going to revitalize Detroit with his non specific plan of “New factories, roads, bridges and schools everywhere”, is only the second biggest crock of shit a politician has told the people of Michigan this year.

“We’re the party of Lincoln! You remember him! He fought a whole big war to free the slaves! So, basically, ignore the last 50 years of actual policy and remember the guy from 150 years ago. Clearly, we care more about civil rights than those dirty Democrats.”

I love that this is the Republican narrative. It’s like