woodle for hillary

Sounds like he really hit a wall.

Yep, that’s why no man ever has been raped, no drugs have ever been used to limit people’s ability to fight back, and rape is solely a thing that occurs in a dark alley when a tiny defenseless woman is attacked by a big strong man!

I can't see any downside to this.

replace all cops w dachshunds

It’s ok. The ACLU has got you on this one.

Too late, buddy.

They could whisk him into a Del Taco somewhere in West Phoenix and tell him the first Latino man he sees is el presidente de México and he wouldn’t know the difference.

Okay, I was kidding when I said I hope he gets murdered. Let the record show that I was only kidding.

They could just send him to New Mexico and he may not know the difference.

Glad you made the jump to Deadspin.

Now Trump can finally try an authentic taco bowl11!1

If there was ever a time for a kidnapping... Make it happen

Seems kinda counter-intuitive to the whole pursuit of higher learning in academia and scholarly pursuits if you just want to axe it all down to bare-minimum applicability...

My degree is in liberal arts, and I do just great.

He used Google Translate for accuracy.

Trump: Obama and Hillary created ISIS

Shhhh, we’ve already started. Should be done by October.

If we elect Trump I’m pretty sure Canada will want to build a wall to keep out all the batshit crazy Americans trying to get in. I’m less than 300 miles away from a border and I’m tempted to make a break for it.

Was this Rick Perry quote with or without glasses? Only one of them is smart.

Donald Trump, a parking cone with emotional issues