woodle for hillary

Yes. On NPR they (I don’t know who it was) were hypothesizing that his messaging is actually targeting suburban white women who care to some degree about race relations. “See, Donald Trump cares about black people!”, they’ll think to themselves, comforted in knowing that though he spews hateful rhetoric all day long,

Yes, you’ll really get black people on your side if you assume they’re all poor and badly educated and living in New York circa 1975! Come to my historically black, middle-class neighborhood in Detroit, Trump. See a thriving community where kids play in the streets in front of beautiful Tudor homes. Tell people who

This reminds me of something striking I read about Brexit; a study found that the less ethnically diverse a person’s neighborhood or town, the more likely they were to vote Brexit - and this is key- AND the more likely they were to cite fear of immigration as a reason for it. In other words, the fewer immigrants they

Say what you will about CNN, but their ability to hire women who take no shit and have marvelously expressive “are you fucking kidding me” faces is almost unparalleled.

Also, “former” Trump goon Lewandowski is a violent thug; we’ve seen the tape!

If Donald Trump wants to make the city streets safer, he and Dr. Carson should stay off of them.

Pretty sure this “appeal to black voters” is nothing of the kind. The whole message is packaged for racist whites who don’t want to think of themselves as racist.

“You don’t bring me flowers... You don’t sing me love songs... You don’t unfurl giant posters of me and show them to business acquaintances... anymore.”

Oh he’ll pivot, all right. Pivot from the mud pit to the feed trough.

He had taken to unfurling a giant poster of her and showing it to businessmen.”

... Colored People

I thought Melania said she went to Princeton and Harvard Law?

Jeez... you lie under oath one time - ONE TIME - and all of a sudden, everyone's all "Perjury this!" and "Suborning that!"

I wanna see the birth certificate diploma!

I’m thinking they should just have some Veep writers come in and help out.

Yeah, it seems like that mysterious blend of hatred, ignorance, irresponsibility, and entitlement that Trump brings to the table would be hard to find. Maybe try asking his kids? Or his supporters? Carl Paladino has a lot to offer.

I agree. It’s in the Constitution under the “leg room” clause.