woodle for hillary

Having respect for transgender people and also believing Kaitlin Jenner may be a phony are not mutually exclusive points of view.

Absolutely none of the same stuff. Abortions are available on the NHS for free (as in $0) to any woman who wants one and is less than 25 weeks along. You see a handful of placard-wielding whackadoodles outside the Stopes clinics (which are privately run) but the average abortion will take place at a normal doctors

It’s worth pointing out that Marie Stopes is the UK’s private abortion provider. English women can still get abortions anywhere, anytime for free on the NHS as long as they don’t mind having less flexibility in appointment times.

Alternatively, D-E-S-P-E-R-A-T-E. The job market is bleak:(

Yup! Which is why I feel like Quincy and Mackenzies don’t really need to be at unpaid internships.

Shouldn’t one internship be enough? How much free labor are we allowing companies to squeeze out of kids? Dickens would shit himself over this.

Throw in a taco bowl?

setting a budget for how to spend your lack of income

Easy solution - all she needs is a very small loan from her father of about $1 million to tide her over...

Sometimes, in the heat of debate and speaking on a multitude of issues, you don’t choose the right words or you say the wrong thing...

You know, I want them to keep going with this “she has a brain disease” thing, because I’m going to enjoy it when the lady with the “brain disease” turns him into jello in the debates.

Just minutes later, he followed that up by saying that everything Hillary Clinton says is a lie.

I regret that I have but one star to give.

Sometimes I regret that there’s no more #cotd. This is one of those times. So, have all the stars:


My husband’s octogenarian aunt and her friend had to go to the ER from stealing his teen cousin’s pot brownies. My sister was the attending nurse. She kept having to go around the corner to laugh. They were fuckin’ trippin’, HARD. They couldn’t stop laughing, but also decided they were both having heart attacks? I

If he’s anything like the cats that I have had, kitty exacted his revenge by waiting until the guy went to sleep, and then he pooped or vomited on something special. A favorite pair of shoes perhaps, or a new cashmere sweater.

Cat’s reaction to turn of events: