woodle for hillary

I am also a veteran. As are my brother and elderly father. My brother and I think that Trump is a unhinged lunatic who would put the safety of the nation itself under real and direct threat. My father thinks HC should be executed in public because female and email and all sorts of things. So it goes.

Considering it has become next to impossible to get lethal injection drugs (drug companies actually grew some ethics), don’t be surprised to see it make a comeback.

They’re so bigly.

I would fully support her making a policy speech in a full suit of armor.

I don’t criticize them either. But I’m currently wearing cut-off jorts at my job wear I hold a relatively senior position, so I generally don’t criticize anyone’s clothing.

I think she’s more of a whiskey gal when she needs shots.

Honestly by this point I hope she’s wearing full body armor. It’s getting freaky as hell.

I don’t criticize them. I think they are cool!

This guy is also a ragingly homophobic, gun toting conspiracy theorist. What a peach!

I’ve never understood the idea that being a veteran somehow makes your political opinions correct. Both my grandfathers were veterans. Both of them had untreated PTSD and were alcoholics who could barely function. One was a compulsive gambler and philanderer and the other went to jail for shooting at a government

“they said that I wanted her assassinated, which I never did...I said...she should be shot in a firing squad for treason.”

Yeah, I can’t wait to see the backpedaling on firing squads when Trump reveals our secret moon bases during a phone interview later today.

I don't see how this is NOT shouting fire (almost literally) in a crowded theatre.

I’m hoping they tell him some totally bullshit things just to see if he leaks them and he’ll get up to the podium tonight and be like, “you won’t believe the things I’ve been hearing about Swaziland’s chemical weapons program!”

the only shots hillary should get are tequila, lemon drops and fireball (you know she can kick those back)

And then we criticize her “boxy” outfits that she has to wear to accommodate her bullet proof vest.

First national security briefings today. How long before Trump lets something slip. My money’s under 48 hours.

You misunderstand! Stop publishing all this nonsense. He just meant her body should be riddled with bullets until she’s not longer alive! God. Clickbait.

Typical liberal media, reporting things that Trump or his surrogates say, even though those things don’t help the Trump campaign. HE WAS JUST BEING SARCASTIC! Or, wait, we’ve used that already. HE MEANT SHOT WITH A WATERGUN! Not plausible? BENGHAZI! KILLARY! MAKE AMERICAN GREAT AGAIN!