woodle for hillary

He’ll like that too.

She is a glorious human being.

A lot of people are saying they are the best elevators.

ladies, ladies, it’s not about the size of the tower, but the speed of the elevators

The debates are going to be absolutely surreal.

Well, it’s finally come to this, the walking meme now has finally given up on talking altogether and will begin communicating in meme form.

We didn’t know how (comparatively) good we had it with Mittens. As movie villains go, he was that rude rich guy who tried to foreclose on the Goonies, meanwhile Trump is pacing closer to Heath-Ledger-Joker territory.

Good ol’ Mitt. Remember when he tried to iron his jacket while wearing it? I miss a candidate we could just laugh at, without crying.

Yeah, as my fellow liberal firebrand cousin said to me recently, “Christ, I can’t believe we made such a big deal about Bush vs. Gore.”

I actually miss Mitt Romney. That is what this garbage fire of an election cycle has done to me.

I have never felt so threatened by a Presidential candidate as I do with Trump- not even close. No matter how much I disagreed with previous candidates, they all fell within pretty normal psychological parameters. Trump is fucking disgusting. He threatens us all.

i posted it, because words escape me now . Jon will have animated show on HBO soon, can’t come soon enough.

I can't stop thinking that's true. He constantly draws the news cycle away from her, saying the dumbest of the dumb things when she has the worst potential stories coming up. If he was running a false flag campaign, how would it look any different than what he's actually doing?

I’m half with you but at the same time I feel like any voter who hasn’t been offended by anything he’s said thus far probably isn’t ever going to be. I mean, he basically called on people to straight up murder Clinton so...how much lower can he really get?

What could possibly scare off the people who still support him? I suppose if he turned around and started talking sense...

Oh u didn’t know.. Not only are black ppl lazy but they are simultaneously responsible for all the bad shit that happens. It's the most fucked up magic trick

Hey, you forgot that he ALSO finds the time to be both an incompetant idiot and an evil dictatorial genius! Obama is a busy man...

Probably on one of his many infuriating golf trips.

Between destroying America, taking away people's guns and being a kenyan citizen, when did Obama find the time to be the founder of ISIS? Does he have a time turner like Hermione?