woodle for hillary

The strangest instance of this I ever saw: Dr. 90210 (don’t judge me—it was sometimes really good) was doing top surgery for a trans woman. The show showed everything— nipples, blood, everything! Then the doctor inserted the little saline (or whatever) bags, and suddenly the nipples were blurred.

I was just about to say that in all these cases they should just photoshop a man’s nipples over the woman’s nipples and call it a day.

RIP Millihelen!!!

I’m frankly amazed that she didn’t take the opportunity to wear her bullet necklace. “Restraint” is not something I associate with the Trump campaign.

remember when we tried to frame him for rape . . . geez louise

Gwendoline Christie as everything ever!

There is a level of stupidity inherent amongst Republicans that never ceases to amaze me.

Am I so old that 20-somethings look twelve to me, or does that 20-something actually look twelve?

You aren’t overreacting. Trump is not just “a political candidate”. He openly advocates the mass disenfranchisement and deportation of American citizens based on their race and religion. He has been accused of at least two serious sex crimes and advocates imprisoning women who have abortions. He has expressed hope

I can just imagine Trump “joking” about nuking the entire Middle East. “Just kidding!”

Any Republican official who doesn’t withdraw their endorsement needs to be voted out of office immediately. This is not okay, and be not by not revoking their endorsements they would be saying that directly encouraging the murder of your opponent is acceptable behavior.

Oh, I know you aren’t being glib and I thank whatever, high atop the thing, every day for two parents that are virulently anti-trump. However there a number of people I have to be friendly with on Facebook for work who are pro-trump and I have a hard time dealing with them in real life. I do, but I want to yell “why”

Stages of Trump’s candidacy as experienced by yours truly:

I keep having bouts of anxiety and depression over it, to the point where I wonder if I should go to the doctor, and I’ve never been diagnosed with depression. My husband was very understanding while I was sobbing the other night. But then the next day, he gingerly mentioned that he was worried about me being so upset

god, gabby giffords breaks my heart.

Now taking bets on what date Trump promises that “If elected, I will pardon any person with the guts to kill Hillary Clinton. Mark it down, folks. You shoot her, I’ll pardon you. Believe me.”

palin was never charged w anything after giffords was shot, even tho her website called dems ‘targets’ and used crosshairs as icons for where the dems were in upcoming races.

Its got to be pretty close to the criteria for inciting violence, it it doesn’t meet them.

nobody has been brought up on charges for inciting the planned parenthood shooter.

Is that even legal? If someone went out and god forbid actually shot Hillary Clinton and cited this speech as a reason, could Trump be found guilty of ...something?