woodle for hillary

I mean, I’m not going to actually see it in the theater. But I’d totally Netflix it. Yay talking cats!

Jennifer Garner’s career bums me out. She has played as many “harried mother” roles as she wore wigs on Alias.

... I miss Alias.

I am with Gabby here. I mean, it sounds terrible, but I like Kevin Spacey, I like cats, I like Jennifer Garner, and I like stupid body switcheroo movies. So I guess I am the target audience for this movie.

Instead of editing the scenes out they could just use suggestive visuals, like so:

I read the whole post and now I’m not sure if I have caught the gay. How do I tell? Is there some kind of OTC test kit that I can get from the pharmacy section of my local Walmart?

made? exacerbated

Explicit, Delta? That is like the chastest shit I have ever seen.

.One Girl..... TWO GIRLS!!?

Probably the most disturbing and memorable cinematic image I’ve seen in my life was a man shooting himself in the head in Cache. Saw that on a plane. Now I'm gay. THANKS, GUYS.

If they have such an issue with it, why even offer it as a viewing choice?

fellow jezeblists: please reply to this post if seeing the above pictures made you gay.

Although... I read that headline and thought we were talking abouta recent proposal regarding current campaign staff, so consider me pleasantly surprised by the Trump enterprise, FOR FUCKING ONCE?

A staunchly Republican Transgender Olympic Athlete is not relateable?

I hope so, JujyMonkey. I hope so.

Donald Trump, a cirrhotic cheetah liver dusted in gold leaf, claimed Thursday that he saw a video of a completely bananas thing. A day later, he has recalled that no, he didn’t see that video, because it’s not real.

Her twitter person is on point.

Who ever runs Clinton’s twitter is a god/dess, because they throw some serious shade.

but he is a feminist, he loves women and people of color.