woodle for hillary

To be fair...

Peter Dinklage continues to be the best even when he screws up.

African Americans fought in WWII. They fought for a country that segregated them in the army and at home.

Doesn’t the lack of pants make shin guards a bit ineffectual? Like, why don’t they just shoot her in the upper leg and take her out?

It’s because he’s still alive. Once Manson dies, they’ll all be paroled. He exerted such a powerful influence over certain members for such a long time and it was such a violent crime, they don’t want to risk it.

Not sure how I feel about this. I mean she was part of the Manson family, so yeah no parole makes sense, but she was 19 when she did these murders/helped with these murders and isn’t our justice system supposed to be about rehabilitation? I get that Manson himself should never see the light of day, and to be honest if

Seems like a smart choice. I’m waiting to see how Trump and his crew will disparage him.

Her reasoning behind wanting him is solid. Virginia is indeed a swing state and the Republicans there are super crazy. I grew up there (left more than 20 years ago), but my parents are still there as are a ton of liberal friends. The friends are all Kaine fans. I think for the most part it’s getting the rest of the

I’m not thrilled with Tim Kaine, but he’s still sufficiently liberal (and generally able to separate his personal beliefs from his legislating, IIRC) despite what people try and paint him as.

And it’s great that he’ll help with Virginia. But he is a bit dull—and that's okay.

Just a reminder that back in ‘08, when Obama picked Biden, everyone was like “That boring old white dude?” And now we’re all like UNCLE JOE PLEASE DON’T LEAVE US.

He’s not an exciting choice, but he’s a practical choice. I’m okay with this.

Ellie, don’t listen to the haters. I concur.

New phone who dis?

I am worried my fiance wouldn’t be able to pay the household bills....without my much higher income.

The most telling part of the whole week for me was Paul Manafort’s interview on MSNBC in which he said that women are concerned that their husbands can’t afford to pay the family bills. In 2016, this is why he said women will vote for Trump.

One of the things I can’t for the life of me reconcile is how in one breath Herr Trump wants to appeal to Bernie voters and in the other say that Clinton’s foreign policy is insufficiently militant.

That’s right. Nothing wrong with voting in a genocidal dictator, as long as they’re fully transparent about their hatred for anyone different than themselves.

So you would rather have someone who is super-racist than someone who deleted some emails? Nice. (You also realize that you can vote for a third party, right?)