woodle for hillary

It's incomprehensible that he is only a few polling points behind Hillary.

Right - it’s really exactly how the politics thing is supposed to work. Politicians are meant to represent the will of the people and work to create a government and laws that model that will.

Exactly. The whole “OMG she changes her plans because of political pressure” thing is like... not exactly awful because that means we can pressure her into doing things we like.

Oh ffs. Ssssssh. This is an excellent use of taxes.

“How dare crooked criminal Hilary Clinton adopt a policy proposal modified from that of the candidate I supported! DOES SHE THINK SHE CAN BUY OUR VOTES THROUGH ACTUALLY MAYBE ENACTING THE POLICIES WE REALLY REALLY WANT?!?!” - how you are about to sound, probably, so maybe don’t.

Thanks! It’s a line from Crazy Ex Girlfriend, which is now on Netflix, to my great delight.

I’ve had people share this photo on my facebook wall about 8 times since they know I like owls and I’m too polite to tell them they’re fucking idiots for thinking these are real. Or that they even look like owls.

it’s real

Can I get clarification on whether or not the panda in an ice cream cone is real.

I mean....he’s not going to win New York anyway, so why not flaunt the 12th Amendment.

Cheney had to actually go and establish a residence in Wyoming to get around the 12th. And he’s much smarter and better prepared than Trump. Trump would just announce one day that he’s gonna live out in Mar-a-Lago so that the 12th doesn’t apply and then forget to spend any time in Florida.

taco bowels

Well, their first mistake was to look for Mexican food outside the Trump Tower Grill. Everyone knows their taco bowels are the best!!

My husband and I joke about how often he has probably suggested this, kind of pretending to be kidding, but not really, while his poor campaign staff does whatever they can to stop him from hitting a line of speed and announcing it on Twitter in the middle of the night.

And he’ll bring out all past winners of celebrity apprentice to speak. And Gary Busey (please dear God let Busey speak!) And Meatloaf will sweat the national anthem out every fiber of his being.

I just can’t get over how many of his children are going to speak. If your immediate family is the majority of your campaign apparatus, you’ve got a problem, man.

Right?! Compare that illustrious lineup of Trumpty Dumpty family members to who is likely to appear at the Dems convention: Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Bill Clinton. Maybe Julian Castro. I mean, Jeezus, there’s just no comparison. It’s like comparing the Big Apple Circus to the United

Can’t be quite as jazzed but definitely