woodle for hillary

She’s immeasurably better than Trevor Noah. I’m really glad that she was given her own show to build from the ground up, but I sure wish it was nightly instead of weekly... I’m still going through withdrawal every week, while I wait for Full Frontal and Last Week Tonight...

I love Samantha Bee and her show. She is on point and angry. I like that about her.

Fellow fed here. I am so frustrated with fed agency IT departments. It seems like all they did to clean up after the data breach was update the yearly FISSA+ training to say “DON’T GIVE OUT PII” over and over again.

“You were completely reckless with sensitive government information in flagrant violation of the rules. But that took courage, for some reason. Therefore, FIFTY POINTS TO GRIFFINDOR!!!”

Everyone get out your six-pointed sheriff’s stars...

I would love to see Corey Lewandowski try to make a citizen’s arrest and get tackled by Secret Service agents. That would make me so happy.

agreed. also, the government has got to get its shit in order with regards to cyber security. it seems like they totally didn’t get the memo that the internet became a thing...

Wait are you serious? The It’s on Us Campaign started in 2014, and the Obama administration has been a loud advocate for this topic since his first term. I’m not saying the dude is perfect, but to say this is some kind of weird lame duck action is ridiculous and not based on fact.

I wish senior year Obama was the Obama we had all along but at least now he is taking a stand, to fall back on clichés better late than never I guess.

No one’s trying to make a dent in his core support, that’s not how you win elections in the US. They’re just doing everything they can to make sure that 33% in the middle realizes he’s batshit insane. At best, they hope some of that core electorate he’s relying on will stay home on election day.

I am married to a Jew, Mrs. Court is Jewish. So, see, I have a Jewish lover! The best! She also handles all of our finances and her father is a lawyer dealing mainly with insurance fraud. He’s the best insurance Jew! Mom is a University Professor. She professes the best facts about criminal justice! About how bad

(picture of Donald Trump eating gefilte fish and latkes)

This is a sheriff star.

I’m not so concerned with the color, but the fact that a majority of sheriff stars have the little globes at the end of the points means that this was not a sheriff’s star.

As is usually the case in politics, it’s not the crime, it’s the cover-up. They could have dealt with this in all manner of diplomatic ways that would have made the press forget about it. Instead, they have fumbled their way through excuse after excuse, each one flimsier than the next, apparently in an attempt to tell

To be a sheriff star, wouldn’t it have to be gold or silver?

I mean we could sound like Australians so that's a plus...

I’m at my parents’ house for the weekend. I just read Ivanka’s second quote to my (super feminist) father, who’s sitting in his chair across the room from me. His response: “She was born on third and thinks she hit a triple.”