woodle for hillary

Yeah, I didn’t want to make that the header because it’s really graphic, but it’s so important that people know how violent this was.

$100 grand seems too low of an amount to sue for considering they slammed a girl suffering from brain tumors head to the ground. Here’s a photo of her during arrest:

Frankly, £100000 sounds a positively modest amount for the trauma in this case. This is horrific, and someone needs to lose their job.

They caused a head injury to a deaf, partially blind teenager with a brainstem tumor. GOOD JOB, ASSHOLES.

“Passengers can call ahead of time to learn more about the screening process for their particular needs or medical situation.”

im die

A scientist? Gasp! That’s a man’s job. Report to the kitchen immediately.

Frankly I look fairly feminine regardless of what I’m wearing because I’m a female. So this crazy ass lady telling me to dress feminine doesn’t tell me much.

“If women want to be taken seriously in the workforce, looking feminine is a good place to start.”

Nope, only women and children died

I read that quote and while I get what he was saying, I just couldn’t help but notice that the woman the guy chased down the street, dragged into his car at gunpoint, and then when she jumped out, ran her down like a dog and put a bullet in her head doesn’t even get a mention?

Annnd we’re back to standard Margaret Attwood, after the inverse Attwood committed by that malignant narcissist woman.

‘“It’s really hard to understand how this could happen, how somebody could do that to children,” local police lieutenant Dan McGrath told the press.’

I would also add that Hillary did not only pull the Center Dems. I’m a progressive, and a registered independent, and I only had to glance at Bernie’s website to know he was not the candidate for me. I am not alone in this. I’ve posted it elsewhere on Jez, but this purity test liberal BS coming from the Berniecrats is

I’m taking the gloves off with the Bernie faction. BTW, full disclosure, I voted for him in my state’s primary. This shit has got to stop. There is too much at stake for a bunch of bitching about the DNC essentially doing its goddamn JOB just because people are butthurt that not everyone who votes Democratic is as

Right?! I get that they’re upset their candidate lost. But... He lost. Move on. Beat fucking Trump.

Oh FFS. Sanders was not polling with any kind of real support at the time this stuff was written. It’s not unfair to support a strong front runner to try to make sure a Dem gets the nod. You know what Sanders supporters? HRC was also favored early on in 2007/8. You know what, a black man named Barack Hussein Obama

This is a super good use of the DNC’s time this general election.

Some of us like Ichabod Crane.

I think it’s likelier that Toomey’s goofy fucking Ichabod Crane-like face would cause a woman to change their sexual orientation than feminist studies, but what do I know?