woodle for hillary

Only a fucking idiot would think Obama 2.0 and Trump are even close to the same.

A few friends of mine continuously post on FB about basically how the choice this year is between a turd sandwich and a giant douche. I really don’t understand it; To compare her as being “no better” than Trump or an asteroid is ridiculous. She’s an incredibly well seasoned pro-corporate centrist, with liberal

I feel I must add that Leslie Jones is stunning. Her expressions and humor are great, and kinda take you out of anything false or pretentious. She will certainly yell you right back into reality ;).

And just look at her here. A simple outfit, and she really rocks it. They are soooo stupid.

She is amazing. Also, I need her to team up with HBO a release a "Game of Jones" commentary track for every single episode, because that was the best thing I have ever seen. I love that she has thought about having sex with Jon Snow enough to figure they would have to do it on the floor, so as not to ruin her good

So HUGE! I mean, is there enough fabric in the WORLD? No. There isn’t.

Eh, I wouldn’t base the work that goes into designer dresses on PR. Those dresses look like shit up close and underneath, and generally fall apart later. They are held together sometimes with literal tape and prayer.

It’s bitterly amusing that they are using the fact that they make clothes for only one body type as their defense.

Don’t let Bjork and Lady Gaga hear you.

bless christian siriano. he seems to always be there for the celebrities who get fucked off by the fashion industry.

She’s not only a giant, she has the nerve to be a Black giant. A Black giant who isn’t even a model and isn’t even light-skinned. Just who does she think she is, expecting to wear dressy clothing and have a few designers respond favorably to the idea of dressing her!

“This is nobody’s fault except Leslie’s,” Paster says. “She should have known four to five months ago the date of premiere, and said, ‘I’m not a sample size, I need to go to designers early or buy myself a dress.’

My humble suggestion is that celebrities should wear fashion designers on the Red Carpet.

That’s not embarrassing. Embarrassing is the compulsion to post Daveed Diggs gifs on any thread even remotely Hamilton-related.

I think Hamilton: The Musical is a gateway to history, and anything that gets people studying history is a good thing. However, some people will assume that everything in the show is accurate and not bother to look any further, those are the ones it will be easy to catch. Satisfied is my favorite song from the show

And on the other hand, key facts that are actually accurate will be remembered more handily bc music helps us recall things!

Wow, I’m so sad he lost the primary, :(

Or just “What’d I miss??!”

Rosenberg’s excuse for the lapse: