Wooden Canoe

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Y’all I’m so done. So fucking done. The shutdown? I felt relief because you can’t ruin lives if it isn’t up and running. I felt that about my government

In the world we’re living in? It’s fun to delight in bad people getting publicly shamed. It’s not great that we circled back to seeing people in the stocks is a morale booster. But it is what we’ve got so..

I’m gonna assume your profile picture is you and tell you that if you can do that sharp cat eye I know you have it in you to tackle the dishes. You’ll feel so much better once they’re done. Think about how baller you are the entire time you do the dishes so it’s not miserable. If you do your dishes, you get to do this.

Now playing

This isn’t me or my video but I have sent basically the same video to friends and family where I get excited and end up singing “the dishwasher! It sings!” It’s such a weird thing to get excited about but I already loved it for being a good dishwasher after dealing with my 25 year old it was the crappiest model on the

It just is. Seriously. When I first started with a cleaning service I was annoyed by the rotation of detail cleaning and how dare they! I pay them to clean! Once you have regular cleaning completely handled the detailed cleaning is a swipe of a cloth and not even a swipe of the brow. Coming home to a cleaned home

HOLD UP WHAT? I have a cleaning service and I know that they don’t do dishes. Like full stop. Is this an agreement you have with your cleaner that they do dishes?

Yeah it’s just something I never did before and it changed my life

I’ve never lived somewhere where I didn’t have a dishwasher so I don’t know why it took me 2 decades to realize that you can live a life where you don’t hate yourself and life because a full sink ruins your day. Dishwashers are the best

Hell yeah! I wish I had witnessed that. It sounds glorious

I was so unbelievably shocked she would bite me and bite with conviction. This a dog that didn’t even chew anything up during her puppy stage and still hasn’t 6 years in. I never thought I would ever do that in my life. My point was take a no prisoners stance on the behavior because if the dog realizes they won,

I don’t have a recommendation but look for a heavier ponte weight to get longer lasting tights

Do your dishes all the time. I’m a lucky soul who has a dishwasher (and a great one at that. It sings a delightful tune when it’s done!) and it was even a struggle for me to get into it. I don’t go to bed if there are dishes in the sink. And empty the dishwasher when the things are clean so you can just keep the cycle

This is not good advice and I feel deep shame about it happening. And this is the first dog I’ve ever had.

I’m sorry about this but I’m gonna kinda hijack.

I have three hair dryers (shut up. I don’t need your judgement) and two of them have screws. If yours has screws holding it together you could open it up and give it a scrubbin

I blow it out with the air compressor. I blow out my computer, my phone, and my hairdryer like once a month. I blow out my vacuum cleaner all the time too. My air compressor is my favorite thing.

I think you’re missing the point. If the money was there to pay Walhberg $1.5 million, the money was there to compensate Williams. If they were fine paying her such a paltry amount it speaks to a respect level. Think about it like this: you have an elderly neighbor and you’re already raking your leaves or shoving your

When I get the email that new episodes are available I legit get excited. I was gonna try and sell it more but if you give it a chance you’ll Get the proudman clan and why you wanna root for them.

It takes a minute to get its footing but once it does it’s great. One episode legit made me ugly cry. It gets so so good but it’s first few episodes are shaky at best. I hated Billie at first but then I ended up loving her. I’m not really selling this am I?