
I used to read Clay Travis. He's an intelligent man that is perfectly capable of very well-thought pieces on interesting subjects that also is very prone to being an insufferable, misogynist contrarian prick.

Nope, definitely not going to Petfinder.com to look up dogs in my area. Nope, gonna be strong and not look at puppies who need homes.

another victory for Team Dog.

LolaMan5? I had my tubes tied after the last one (we agreed it was time), but LolaMan has baby fever again. He's an amazing dad, but I fear he'll want another baby every 5 years until retirement.

Last night I have seen movie "Locke" with Tom Hardy. It was pretty good, considering Tom Hardy was the only actor in this movie ( kind of like Moon). I won't give any reviews or details, but it gives a good message about life. And yes Tom hardy is good, all grown up.

I've been sick since Thursday and I think it's affecting how I dream. Last night was the worst because I dreamt about L. It's not like I planned to do that. It's a fucking dream. But, in the dream, we were like how we were when we first met. Everything was great, and there was no hate in her for me.

Yes. One of the things that I like about Sansa's story arc is that it takes the whole fairy-tale trope of girl kisses frog and marries prince and twists it the other way around. The princes and noblemen are the monsters. The Hound and Tyrion are the only ones in King's Landing who treat her well. The castle isn't

I love Sansa so so much. That poor girl gets put through the ringer in every episode. The second she thinks she might finally be safe, or that things are getting a little better for her, it's like NOPE ACTUALLY AUNT LYSA'S BATSHIT.

I think a lot of it is just the age old argument about what a woman's role should be in these kinds of series. They're both the essentially same age and were frequently pitted against each other in the storyline early on, so unfortunately I think it was kind of inevitable that each character's "camps" would start

I just don't like character hate in general. And the Arya/Sansa debate always seems to pit them against each other. I may be a little defensive about Arya since she's one of my favorite fictional characters since I read the first book as a wee teenager.

"Hayden Panettiere's wedding is on hold because her fiancé is Ukrainian."

Wait: I knew Michael Sheen had dated Rachel McAdams, but he was also married to Kate Beckensdale?! He must have an amazing personality, and possibly Bill Clinton levels of charisma.

I do love Arya but in the end, I far, far prefer Sansa. I have always been a sucker for long, thematic character development so I enjoy her change from an idealistic child to a hostage with absolutely no agency of her own to (hopefully) a woman capable of wielding power and influence well enough to play the game

Hear Hear, Sansa starts as a silly girl because she was raised to be a silly girl. However when reality starts bearing down on her she gets smarter, stronger and more devious. Arya gets everything handed to her when she meets the first sign of opposition. Don't want to sew with your sister? Have sword lessons from

It was stuck in my head all day and I had to force it on the rest of you.

I know the neckbeards love to hate her and even regular fans deride her for not taking her own actions, but every episode this season I find myself liking Sansa more and more. She's the most genuine major character on the show right now (except maybe Tommen, but we haven't seen that much of him yet). Homegirl has been

Best gif or BEST GIF EVAH?!? I'm memorized...

John the Baptist cried out in the wilderness and people went out to listen to him. This guy cried out in the middle of the town square and everyone left. I don't know about you, but I'd say that's a clear hint from God.

The rules of this fight are confusing. So far I see: