
Just addressing 2: If she asked for a break months ago and you've mostly just been texting since, I can't see any justification for her expecting you to be celibate in the meantime. It sounds to me like you were free and single. Maybe she's upset that you were enjoying yourself in that way, but just because she wasn't

Has anyone ever gotten to the point where they absolutely cannot bear rejection? I mean in terms of dating, friends, professional opportunities, everything? How did you get out of that, and how did you continue living a life that consisted of doing things besides hiding away in bed? I have troubles with self-esteem

You guys, what are your favorite internet memes? LET'S LOL. This is my favorite right now even though it's old:

I wish I had some concrete advice, but as a HS teacher this has never been an issue for me. But do your best to help them check their privelage at the door. Whatever it takes. I had a bit of a struggle with this when teaching Kate Chopin's The Awakening with my Junior boys. But you just have to constantly shut down

Hey Jezzies!

Our friend group had a guy who was a magican. Every new girl he met through friends he would do these two magic tricks with, one involving a huge ass penny (like palm-sized). Once, after I watched him do it to like the 5th girl in a row, I said very loudly (and may have been drunk, because it was completely

I don't know if this move is right or wrong, but if I were faced with LW3, I would stick contact to BFF as phone-only if any time I hung out with her her loser boyfriend was around. And at some point, I would be honest with her - "I love you and I don't want to lose you as a friend, but I don't enjoy hanging out with

Ewww that is disgusting and pathetic. I don't LOVE hearing about some of my boyfriend's exes, but also I recognize that I am being irrational and crazypants. Plus, stories about most of them are fine. I just can't imagine dating someone my friends or family didn't like. I'm lucky, I guess, in that the few SOs who

Regarding the first letter: The best defense for public teachers against bad parents is good parents. You need to recruit responsible parents that care about their kids and understand how much work you're putting into their education to be your own personal Avengers, to fight back against the angry, irrational, "my

Do school generally have human resource staff or is that all handled by administrators? HR is there to protect the company from lawsuits; the teacher who wrote in would have a hell of a suit on her hands, potentially. Being harassed & threatened by a parent, on school grounds, is grounds for a lawsuit. Being harassed

What is a "hipster" but someone looking to momentarily define themselves by whatever is the next big thing? You can't do it forever, but if you've never ridden that wave, you've missed out.

Yeah, King of Dads fo sho. Grand Poobah of Paternal Awesomeness.

All teachers should understand this: administrators are not your friends. They are your bosses and they will throw you under the bus if it serves their purpose. The ones who stick by their teachers are rare. I say this with my current administrator being almost like a mom to me- outside of work. At work, she will let

To LW#3: I think it's totally acceptable to make it clear to your friend when making plans that you just want "girl time." I have a few friends with spouses/partners I just don't particularly enjoy being around (because they're whiners, they're assholes, or otherwise just ruin the fun) and it's totally fair to tell

Your Dad seems like a super wise guy. I'm glad you asked for his input on these.

Seabisquik!!! OMG I LOVE THIS. What is wrong with me.

Next, Rachel will claim they hadn't actually broken up. They were just on a break.

As I don't have enough money for a bunch of racehorses, I'll simply have to start giving fun names to my meager possessions. Henceforth, my stapler will be called "Lucky Tim's Uncle," my exercise bike will be known as "Tuesdays I'm Not Hungover," and my jar of bottlecaps shall answer only to "Roma Downey Junior

Yeah me too. I have a lot of crazy stories but they'd either doxx me or come back to haunt me later. This one is fairly benign as my stuff goes but still. I am a coward. :D

Oh I know those feels. I've considered posting more to these posts but the danger is too great!